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China Zhang Yu's Child Massage


China Zhang Yu's Child Massage

China Zhang Yu's child Massage can heal many diseases(child or adult). Pay for 1500$ to learn 20 diseases massage methods. Know more at "".Mail me:

Members: 9
Latest Activity: Jun 11, 2013

Learn ZhangYu's Xiao Er Tuina please.

I teach Zhang Yu's Xiao Er Tuina skill  all over the China now.Please become my student if you are interesting.

Discussion Forum

A few of Dr. Zhang Yu's 2011 Pediatric Tuina (Xiao Er Tuina) cases

ChildTuinaThe 3 years old boy did Xiao Er…Continue

Tags: rhinitis, bronchitis, TCM, tuina, er

Started by Daniel Cohen Sep 2, 2011.

Healing a polyp with Xiao Er Tuina

One of the things I find so interesting about your Child Massage is how you influence the whole body through the hand and forearm. I am familiar with reflexology but your system and application is…Continue

Tags: polyp, vocal, Dr., Zhang, Yu

Started by Daniel Cohen Sep 2, 2011.

Northern California Practitioner

There appears to be someone those in Northern California can take their children to for Pediatric Tuina (Xiao Er Tuina). I don't know which form she uses but I found her website.…Continue

Started by Daniel Cohen Aug 31, 2011.

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Comment by Daniel Cohen on May 19, 2011 at 7:40am

Unfortunately Dr. Zhang has been unable get to the site for sometime. China's infamous internet control off and on has blocked this site from her access. I am posting some information for her that is on the internet. Photos of some of the children she has treated and the illness they were brought to her for.













child case of myocarditis

Comment by Zhang Yu on November 30, 2010 at 1:13am
You should choose the ginger water to Tuina when you think the patient belongs cold symptom.You dip your finger if you feel your hand and the patient's skin are dry.You don't choose the ginger water if the patient belongs the heat symptom.You should choose the talcum powder and put it on the skin.
Comment by Daniel Cohen on November 28, 2010 at 8:59am
When doing Xiao Er Tuina oil is not used. Dr. Zhang showed me how to use Ginger water instead. It is regarded in TCM aas a meridian opener. Cut thin slices of fresh ginger and soak in a dish of water. When you do the strokes on the hand you dip your fingers in the ginger water.

Today I have a couple of reflexology treatments to do and I will try ginger essential oil on them. I often find that methods from one modality can be used in another of similar application.

Tomorrow I will make the ginger water and see if I notice a difference between the EO and the water.

There is so much to explore in bodywork.
Comment by Zhang Yu on October 17, 2010 at 2:03am
Hello Dan,the TCM thinks the baby autism belongs "dementia",cause of the deficiency of heart, kidney,liver and spleen, so the marrow is not sufficient. I treat the autism's methods as same as the brain paralysis. The baby must can be changed if her/his parents to use my Xiao Er Tuina.You can tell them to pay for 500 dollars and I teach them how to Tuina for their baby cam to cam.At first,I need to know their baby's situations.For example,the appetite,the faeces,the urine,the sleeping,the sweat,the fur color of the tongue and the tongue color,if with the bed-wetting,the baby's hands and feet are hot or cold,if with the halitosis,etc.
To see the cases 24,25,26,37 what I cured.The line

Hope the baby luck.
Zhang Yu
Comment by Daniel Cohen on October 15, 2010 at 9:40am
Dr. Zhang my friend's baby has autism. Do you have a case of autism published that you could post here that I could forward to them?
Comment by Daniel Cohen on October 15, 2010 at 9:38am
Her is an online explanation of Pediatric Tuina

Chinese pediatric message, or xiao er tui na, is a form of Tui na massage adapted to the special needs of children from birth to 12 years of age. The Chinese believe that a child's energy system is different from an adult's because children have fewer physical and emotional barriers in place. Their qi is therefore more accessible to treatment. The acupoints and techniques used in pediatric massage are different from those used with adults. A massage oil, typically sesame oil , is often used with children. The sessions are much shorter than those for adults, usually only 15-20 minutes, but they may be repeated several times a day for children who are seriously ill. Pediatric massage is used to treat such chronic conditions as asthma, bed wetting, and nightmares as well as teething, colic, nausea, fever, constipation, and the common cold . Parents often learn the basic techniques of pediatric massage as preventive health care for their children or to treat minor illnesses.

Xiao Er Tuina is mostly found in the provinces of Shandong and Liaoning. Some TCM Colleges in those areas teach Xiao Er Tuina in their curriculum. Dr. Zhang practices the traditional form of her family handed down from her Grandfather Dr. Li. It is an excellent treatment for parents to learn as they can work on their child's illness at home making it easy to give daily treatments.
Comment by Daniel Cohen on October 2, 2010 at 3:11pm
My friend and Teacher would like to introduce her Xiao Er Tuina to America and train Massage Therapists.

" I can teach my Tuina massage privately.You can come to my town or by learn cam to cam.

The parents can learn it too and I do the overall analysis of the illness for you or your child first.

Pay for $500 to learn one disease massage method.

You can apply the disease and I teach you how to work on any type of disease.

Zhang Yu, born in a well-known family of TCM in Dandong City. She lives and practices in Liaoning province,China . She currently holds the following positions;Superintendent of Xiao Er(Pediatric) Tuina Massage Health Care Clinic of Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province. TCM Tuina Senior Technician. TCM Tuina Senior Lecturer. Chinese TCM Healing Therapy and Health Care Committee Specialist. She was awarded "Special Skill Celebrity" and "Chinese Medicine divine physician". Having undertaken patrimonial TCM Xiao Er Tuina from 1995. Managing more than 140 kinds of children’s illness. Having released several disquisition.Bookmaking:《Chinese Xiao Er Tuina》. The name of my clinic had been catalogued in the book"Cuansu of Chinese TCM Medical Institution"by Chinese State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine .
In past years, on the base of knowledge from upper generations, I got many valuable experence from practice. I summarized a new principle : “Same prescription for different diseases, same disease using different prescription”. I have healed many cases that former doctors haven’t met, or dare not take , or thought impossible. And even created quite a few miracle that western doctors couldn’t believe. In practice, I used Xiao Er Tuina for adults also and had healed many cases. That created a new field of Xiao Er Tuina. This skill had already attracted foreign massagists to come and learn Xiao Er Tuina. This promoted the international exchange of Tuina.

Tuina fit for 0-18 years old children Or adults(with different price).


1. Head and the five sense organs :

Headache / Vertigo / Cerebral Concussion / Waterhead / Newborn Cerebral Hemorrhage / Sunk Fontanel / Bulging of Fontanel in Infant / Eye Dryness and Xenophthalmia / Eye Congestion and Pain / Eye Itching / Stye / Pteryguim in Eye / Blurring of Vision / Eyelid Inability / Strabismus / Eye Hemorrhage / Rhinitis / Epistaxis / Hypertrophy of Adenoids / Indisposition / Globus Hystericus / Chapped Lips and Cheilitis / Wagging Tongue / Thrush / Oral Ulcer / Halitosis / Excessive Salivation in Children / Toothache / Inflammation around Tooth / Teeth Hemorrhage / Swelling Gum / Tympanitis Combined with Mastoiditis / Tinnitus and Deafness / Flaccidity of Nape / Neck Ridigity and Pain of Nape / Facial Edema

2. Respiratory system:

Common Cold / Laryngitis / Tonsillitis / Acute and Chronic or Frequent Bronchitis and Pneumonia / Asthma / Cough

3. Digestive system :

Vomit / Tympanites / Diarrhea / Bellyache / Anorexia / Much Eatting and Easily Hungry / Hiccup / Astriction / Rectocele / Hemorrhoids / Appendicitis / Abdominal Distension / Indigitation / Hernia / Crissum Inflammation

4. Urinary system :

Frequency of Micturition / Urgency of Urination / Urethral Painful Swelling / Hematuria / Turbid / Retention of Urine / Urinary Incontinence / Enuresis / Nephrotic Syndrome / Nephritis.

5.Circulatory system

Myocarditis / Palpitation / Angina / Arrhythmia / High Blood Pressue / Hypotensive / Anaemia

6. Nervous system :

Affright / Falling Sickness / Convulsion / Walkabout Disease / Crying at Night / Paralysis / Trigeninal Pain / Neurasthenic / Insomnia / Alogia / Hyperactivity / Impediment / Somnolence / Heteroptics and Delirium

7.Dermal system :

Heat-Syndrome in Newbon / Chicken Pox / Drug Rash / Eczema / Papular Eruption
/ Urticaria / Irritability Purpura / Carbuncle and Furuncle / Newborn Flesh Stiffness / Navel Inflammation

8. Others:

Durative Neonatal Jaundice / Long Low Fever / Spontaneous Sweating / Night Sweat / Heliosis / Arthralgia-Syndrome / Tumour / cyst / Granulation / Hydrocele / Edema / Parotitis / Dysentery / Uterine Prolapse / Leukorrhea Diseases / Pelvic Cavity Inflammation / Hypochondriac Pain / Delayed Development / Lassitude / Metrostaxis / Mastitis / Cold Hands and Feet / Hot Hands and Feet / Lumbago / Urine and Stool Emphraxis

Tuina(massage) knowledge

Diagnosis of pediatric diseases
As the infant can not express the disease,the doctor infer the disease only from asking the relatives of the patient and inspection,auscultation and pluse-feeding.So it is also called mute department.
observation of physical condition and behavior


sprout and orifice
eyes,nose,ear,lip,throat,teeth,tongue,two lower orifices
hands and feet
superficial collaterals of the index finger

Auscultation and Olfaction
cold and heat
head and body
urine and stool

Pulse take and Palpation
head and fonticulus
Assaying and synthesizing the history,symptoms and signs draw a
correct conclusion is called Bianzheng.It conclues Eight Principles Bianzheng,
zang-fu Bianzheng,causes Bianzheng,Tri-energizer Bianzheng,Qi-blood Bianzheng
Eight Principles Bianzheng
Exterior and Interior
exterior cold
exterior heat
exterior excess
exterior deficiency
inrerior heat
interior cold
interior excess
interior deficiency
Both Exterior and Inrerior
Cold and Heat
deficiency cold
excessive cold
deficiency heat
excessive heat

Deficiency and Excess
deficiency syngrome
excess syndrome
Yin and Yang
Yin syndrome
Yang syndrome

Zang and Fu Bianzheng

Heart -yang deficiency
heart-yin deficiency
heart-fire flaring
mental disturbance due to phlegm-fire
breakdown of coordination between heart and kidney
qi and blood deficiency in heart and spleen
Small Intestine
small intestine deficiency
small intestine excessive heat
stagnation of liver-qi
hyperactivity of liver-yang
liver-yin deficiency
up-stirring of liver-wind
liver-qi attacking stomach
liver and kidney's yin deficiency
gallbladder deficiency
gallbladder excessive heat
spleen-yang deficiency
middle-qi deficiency
accumulation of damp-heat in spleen
accumulation of cold-damp in spleen
yang deficiendy ofspllen and kindey
stomach cold
stomach heat
stomach deficiency
stomach excess
wind-cold attack of lung
obstruction of lung due to phlegm-damp
lung-qi deficiency
lung-yin deficiency
heat exopathogen attack lung
spleen-lung deficiency
Large Intestine
large Intestine cold
large Intestine heat
large Intestine deficiency
large Intestine excess
kidney-yin deficiency
kidney-yang deficiency
eczema due to kidney-yang deficiency
failure in receiving qi due to kidney deficiency
fire flaring due to kidney-yin deficiency
lung and kidney deficiency
spleen and kidney deficiency

Tri-energizer Bianzheng

Tri-energizer including upper-energizer, middle-energizer, lower-energizer.Its
function is to control the qi activities and to make the passage of water unblocked.
Tri-energizer Bianzheng refers to a guideline to differentiate syndromesfor treating
epidemic febrile diseases.
Causes Bianzheng
Six Exopathic Factors
Seven enclogenous factors

Non-endo-exo-pathogcnic factors
beasts and insects

Contact Zhang Yu :

Tel: (0086)419-2153966


Weiguo Road 49-19#,Baita District, Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province,China (111000)"
Comment by Zhang Yu on September 15, 2010 at 10:14pm
I know the patient's condition first,then I do the overall analysis of the illness and teach you the Tuina method. I can teach you by the cam.Only Tuina hand and forearm.Anyone can learn.
Zhang Yu
Comment by Zhang Yu on September 14, 2010 at 11:38pm
My Tuina not only treat children but also treat adults diseases too.The effect is the same.At first,I need to know your body situations,then I teach you how to massage .You can massage for your family or yourself.
Comment by Zhang Yu on September 14, 2010 at 8:17pm
My Child Tuina(massage) points only on the hand and the forearm.It's easy to do .Only need the child's left hand to massage.
The different points toghter can send the massage energy to different organ and Meridian of the body. My child massage isn't the TCM Meridian massage.It's a special massage. It handed down from my ancestors.You need to do the diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition.
The children can accept it easily. The massage has an immediate effect.It needn't take medicine and inject.Have no hurt and dread.So my child Tuina(massage) is the first choice to heal diseases.
Zhang Yu

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