Has, or does anyone work with people with anxiety and/or depression? I'm sure this would be beneficial in releasing all those good chemicals and hormones, and I wanted to write to some local therapists and counselors, thank you everyone for your input.
I've had several clients on meds for anxiety and depression. Massage and bodywork are great for increasing the "feel good" chemicals. However, some patients are on strong doses, multiple meds, etc. Be careful with these cases, get a thorough intake, and talk to their MD, therapist, etc. I've also noticed after many years that the clients who have behavioral health issues will disappear after a time and not return.
When you talk to your local therapists and counselors, emphasize that you are not going to promote any emotional release with their patients. I would highly recommend a book "Psychology of the Body," by E. Green. It's an awesome book, that really delves into psychology and bodywork. Best of luck.
Yes, there has been a lot of research on massage and anxiety and depression, with positive results. I recommend reading the attached articles for more information.