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 recently came from a job interview that gave me the low down on the job. Basically I will be a independent massage therapist. He will pay me $20 every massage and if the new massage patient goes over to chiro I get a $20 bonus. This is all cash and i get a 1099 in the end of the year. He pays for the clean sheets, cream, advertisment, ect but here's the kicker, I have to pay a $100 rent fee. I thought if I pay rent I get 100% commission or atleast more the. $20. I work currently as a MT in a facility getting paid $18 only part time as a employee per hour not per massage. So I don't know which is better. I will b the only MT at this chiro office and it will gradually grow to more hours "he says" 

I am so confused by this. :smt017 :?: :!: :( 
Please help. Is this a good idea or is he playing me for a sucker??

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Time to be truly independent, I think. Better to try surviving on your own turf, if at all possible. 18 bucks for a massage is an insult to your skills. You may need a little support initially, but hard work and passion should get you there. Your decision, and I wish you every success. P

It sounds to me that he needs to look at what an independent contractor really means. usually, it is either or with the amount you are paid as far as rent goes...either you pay rent and charge whatever you want with an amount to the doctor, or he takes care of everything, and you get a certain amount for actual work done, doesn't go both ways. wherever you live.

I work at one chiro office and she pays $30 per patient/hr of treatment, including no show and missed appointment, no rent, nothing for me, she does everything. At a different chiro, he does everything, pays $22 per hr worked, but gives raises. I get 1099's at each location. It is purely pay by hour worked with no overhead, that's how i want it right now.

I'm not sure if he means to play you, but it kinda sounds like he may just be misinformed?

I agree with Peter about being independent, as long as that is what you want right now...

It's hard to consider your question without some details, such as what is the going rate for an hour massage in your area? The rent fee, is that monthly, weekly or yearly?

Whenever you are making a career choice, it's a good idea to have your future in mind. In that sense, you can think about what will this specific situation contribute to the future you have in mind for yourself? The pay and rent fee none-withstanding, will the experience at the chiro's office give you what you are looking for in lieu of the spa experience?

If you choose the chiro, you need to determine exactly what you both are bringing to the table. It sounds a little weird, but he IS offering to pay for sheets/laundering, cream and advertising which add up in $$. You can figure out what those expenses are exactly and decide if it's worth your while. Find out how much he is paying for those items. Is he going to cover your brochures, business cards, etc? Or is he just going to include you in the marketing items that he already has for himself?

In my private practice and laundry and advertising are expensive, so it may be worthwhile for you if he's covering those expenses. Again, I'm only answering based on the little information you gave in your post.

All things should be in writing and remember not to accept a job without a contract!


Thanks to everyone who answered back. Yes i think he is trying to play me. I talked to two other massage therapist and they say the same as you. I wont be going back there! Thanks again! =)
I dont get paid 18  per massage. i get that hourly. So if there is only one patient in 5 hours i still get paid 18 an hour. The only thing that sucks is if 5 patients come in 5 hours THEN i get paid 18 per massage basically. =/ 

Peter Lelean said:
Time to be truly independent, I think. Better to try surviving on your own turf, if at all possible. 18 bucks for a massage is an insult to your skills. You may need a little support initially, but hard work and passion should get you there. Your decision, and I wish you every success. P

How often do you get 5 in 5 hours? You should be looking at the average as what you make per hour not the maximum. Since this is the average paid in our area by chains and chiropractors and over double minimum wage, it hardly seems that rate "sucks".


Going on your own you need to figure expenses and potential income. If after expenses you can net enough more to make it worth it, you should go on your own.

Csepulveda said:

I dont get paid 18  per massage. i get that hourly. So if there is only one patient in 5 hours i still get paid 18 an hour. The only thing that sucks is if 5 patients come in 5 hours THEN i get paid 18 per massage basically. =/ 

Peter Lelean said:
Time to be truly independent, I think. Better to try surviving on your own turf, if at all possible. 18 bucks for a massage is an insult to your skills. You may need a little support initially, but hard work and passion should get you there. Your decision, and I wish you every success. P

i have been trying to network myself and get private patients and clients but it hasn't been easy for me. not saying im going to stop trying. but i have bills to pay so i need to work for someone in the mean time.

in my current job i work part time and in a day i could do up to 6 hours t0 7 hours of massage. so in a 20 hour week i could be doing about 15 hours of massage hours. (To me it kinda sucks, unless its a slow week) 

And Minium wage doesn't and shouldn't apply to a massage therapist. if someone tried to give me minimum wage i will tell them to shove it. i went to school for a year with a AS degree and continuing education. I believe Massage Therapist should be getting paid better then what MOST give, giving the fact that massage brings in about 80% of clients in most facilities. So paying over double Min wage isn't a big deal. 

Daniel Cohen said:

How often do you get 5 in 5 hours? You should be looking at the average as what you make per hour not the maximum. Since this is the average paid in our area by chains and chiropractors and over double minimum wage, it hardly seems that rate "sucks".


Going on your own you need to figure expenses and potential income. If after expenses you can net enough more to make it worth it, you should go on your own.

Csepulveda said:

I dont get paid 18  per massage. i get that hourly. So if there is only one patient in 5 hours i still get paid 18 an hour. The only thing that sucks is if 5 patients come in 5 hours THEN i get paid 18 per massage basically. =/ 

Peter Lelean said:
Time to be truly independent, I think. Better to try surviving on your own turf, if at all possible. 18 bucks for a massage is an insult to your skills. You may need a little support initially, but hard work and passion should get you there. Your decision, and I wish you every success. P
For future reference, chiropractors are notorious for offering low wages to massage therapists. In fact, out here in San Diego that is what many chiro's are offering their therapists- $15-$20 per session.
I think the rate is normal but it depends on what you want if you want to be independent then i would choose the chiro.

My experience with Chiro's is not good!!! If you are able RUN!!!!!!! And try to put yourself into a different atomosphere! I think paying rent should only be when you are calling all the shots and 100% gos to you, if you are working for him there should be no rent!!! I know a few that are in the same situation and it is not fair.

I had one that wanted me to sign a non-compete----if I left him I couldnt open up my oun practice within a 5 mile radius!!! LOL!!!!!! I told him hes crazy, I worked hard for that license!!! So I put it in Gods hands and said GOOD BYE!!!

Dont let them take advantage of you, if Im not mistaken they charge out way higher to ins.., then what you are getting paid. We dont push on a back, we work VERY hard for what we do!!!


Many places are starting to do this; say you are an independent contractor, yet put certain responsibilities and demands on your time and pay. This is a scam being done by most all that are wanting to not only avoid workmans comp insurance but also paying Therapists a fair wage.


The future of massage is not w/ other Alternative Practices cause they know they can take advantage of you.

I agree that we must stand on our own unless we are equals with other professionals. We are gaining recognition and must not be treated as anything but equal.

Chance Ryan said:

Many places are starting to do this; say you are an independent contractor, yet put certain responsibilities and demands on your time and pay. This is a scam being done by most all that are wanting to not only avoid workmans comp insurance but also paying Therapists a fair wage.


The future of massage is not w/ other Alternative Practices cause they know they can take advantage of you.

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