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With cold and flu season approaching, maybe earlier than we might like, I'm curious to know what massage therapists do when they have a cold. In the past I've had clients that caught colds very easily so I would call them if I was coming down with something and give them an option of canceling.

What do you do? Cancel? tell your clients you're sick and give the chance to reschedule if they want? or nothing and hope they don't notice?

***update*** Thank you so much for all the responses, which poses my next question: If you reschedule, whether by your choice or theirs, do you give a discount if they reschedule? especially if they reschedule immediately.

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Integrity is important. If you feel like you're coming down with something, you may already be contagious. In these days of high stress and lowered immune resistance, it's not something to take lightly. I would be very diligent about letting my client know and then giving them the choice to reschedule.
I have a little trouble with the Neti pot, but I get the "saline spray" bottle from the local discount store and put ONE drop of Tea Tree oil in it -- the salt helps emulsify it but I shake before use anyhow. I also refill the bottle with filtered water, a pinch of baking soda, and again, a drop of Tea Tree.

Quoted: "Just a little FYI, I use the netti pot every morning in the shower. This rinses out you nasal cavity and gets ride of any bacteria that is in there. I swear by it. If you get an infection you can add a drop of tea tree oil and it takes care of it. You can find it at most drug stores"
Knowing my body a well as I do, if I begin to feel a bit "Funky" I up my intake of Vitamin C, garlic, probiotics, Zinc and Collidal Silver. Cold EZZ works great too..for me that is..I try to catch the cold before it hits! Washing my hands and staying hydrated is key! Unfortunately.. I have in the past had to cancel a massage or two because I am not 100 % ! My clients deserve 100%!!!!..they seem to understand that and I just explain to them that it is nothing that i want to share...I make it up to them..half an hour massage....I personally would never want to give a massage feeling "icky"..I know that in the past when I am sick..I am drained of energy! I don't think think it is fair to give a massage under those circumstances! I have kept in contact with those clients..and the moment I begin to feel back to myself..they have always rescheduled..
Perhaps rather than discounting, offer another service free or at a discounted rate - such as a salt glow or something you generally charge extra for. That way the client gets a little extra value for money to offset their inconvenience and perhaps gets introduced to something that they might want to request for subsequent appointments.

Win-win for all.
Yes, stay home and your clients will totally understand and thank you for not spreading your if they are sick they will call you immediately to cancel a scheduled session. I personally do not offer discounts upon returning to work after any length of time due to illness or family crisis. Clients, especially this coming FLU season must be reminded to STAY home if they are sick, just like you would do. My clients all know they get extras all the it 10 or 15 minutes added to a session, wonderful aroma therapy, nice warm herbal heat pack to the abdomen or on the back...Clients know you care!
If I have a fever, body aches or stomach nausea, I am not coming to work. If I have a headcold with the remnants of symptoms, like a runny nose and a small cough. I spray my office down with alcohol, especially door nobs, face cradles, my desk etc. and I wear a mask similar to what the dentist wears the whole time. I had a neo-natal nurse tell me to not bother with the mask, she just wanted to know that I washed my hands and arms and that was good enough for her. I wore it anyway. Not once have I gotten anyone sick. I would, however NEVER work on someone with a compromised immune system though, even with those precautions.
Because I wash my hands constantly in between clients and at home, I am rarely sick. Even when clients come in sick or with symptoms.
I judge on how ill I am....and if i'm contagious....If I know I'll look and sound like I am ill, I call and reschedule. I have yet to have a client to be upset with this. If I am a little stuffy or have a sinus issue (i'm in Florida, it happens alot), I call them and give them the choice, telling them that I will be there but if they would rather reschedule we can do that.
This is an EXCELLENT alternative to a discounted rate!

Jim Kam said:
Perhaps rather than discounting, offer another service free or at a discounted rate - such as a salt glow or something you generally charge extra for. That way the client gets a little extra value for money to offset their inconvenience and perhaps gets introduced to something that they might want to request for subsequent appointments.

Win-win for all.
I've long since made it a habit to not worry about those who might not understand if I or my children are sick. It's just not a foundation on which I want to build or grow my business. So far, I've never had canceling due to illness result in losing a client, for which I am very thankful.

Debi Rappaport, LMT said:
Yes, stay home and your clients will totally understand and thank you for not spreading your if they are sick they will call you immediately to cancel a scheduled session. I personally do not offer discounts upon returning to work after any length of time due to illness or family crisis. Clients, especially this coming FLU season must be reminded to STAY home if they are sick, just like you would do. My clients all know they get extras all the it 10 or 15 minutes added to a session, wonderful aroma therapy, nice warm herbal heat pack to the abdomen or on the back...Clients know you care!
This is a great idea especially if you have other services you've been trying to get your clients to utilize.
I personally don't offer discounts, especially since I don't hold it against my clients in any way if they cancel due to their own illness. I do have a 24 hour cancellation policy, but the majority of my clientele are regulars with whom I have a great relationship: They understand if I need to reschedule; I understand when they might need to reschedule.
So far, I've not had any problems with this.

Jim Kam said:
Perhaps rather than discounting, offer another service free or at a discounted rate - such as a salt glow or something you generally charge extra for. That way the client gets a little extra value for money to offset their inconvenience and perhaps gets introduced to something that they might want to request for subsequent appointments.

Win-win for all.
I cancel my appointments and reschedule my clients. If they had an appointment with me that included a special, one-time discount, I still honor the discount whenever it is that they come in. The way I run my practice, my clients are on one of two programs, so I don't offer an additional discount if they reschedule.
I LOVE this idea! That is great advice!

Jim Kam said:
Perhaps rather than discounting, offer another service free or at a discounted rate - such as a salt glow or something you generally charge extra for. That way the client gets a little extra value for money to offset their inconvenience and perhaps gets introduced to something that they might want to request for subsequent appointments.

Win-win for all.

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