massage and bodywork professionals

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HI Everyone. 

I have written a small book about my time in massage and I wonder if anyone else has done this, what avenues they've pursued in order to get their work out their to the public or other therapists. Your assistance and input is most appreciated.

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I have authored three massage books that are published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, and self-published several others on Amazon. If you hope to get yours published by any major publisher, then go to their website, look for the link that says "author guidelines," and adhere strictly to them. They normally want to see a complete table of contents, and several sample chapters. They also generally have a statement of intent for you to fill out, that you must detail what other similar books are out there, and what will make yours better than those.

Of course, if you are going to self-publish, you can do anything you want to.

Laura, thanks so much for your insight. Were there any problems that you encountered throughout your process? With this being my first, I am hoping to avoid little mistakes that others have made. I do understand the query process and know that each publishing company asks for different parts of the book and some want a synopsis too. How did you market your books, too?

Thanks again. 

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