I apologize if this is the wrong area- for this - however I am nearing completion of my MT certification and anticipate a move down to the Philadelphia Area this summer. My focus of therapy and profession is to remain with Athletes -- and work towards building the relationship between the integration of MT with training regiments in preparation for competition- whether it's a personal feat of achievement, race or athletic competition.
. With that said -- any help to get my feet under me would be awesome and also if anyone knows of someone in the Philadelphia area that I could reach out too -- it would be great.. this whole new chapter is new and exciting and scary all together... thanks again
Welcome, Morgan! Congratulations on your massage certification. Unfortunately, I do not have any connections in Philadelphia, but hopefully someone else here can provide regional advice. In what setting would you like to work?
You said you want to "remain with athletes" - do you have experience with an athletic group? If so, I would advise searching out a similar group in Philadelphia as a good starting point. Being able to show some experience & knowledge of the sport is a definite benefit when marketing yourself to a new group.