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Hi All,

I am new to this website, but not new to massage. I have been practicing for almost 7 years now, and am the busiest I've ever been, and only getting busier! I have a question regarding the value of an office space. I have a wonderful agreement with the Chiropractor who I share an office space with. I have a tiny room, like 8'x10'. When I first started my business here I was coming back from maternity leave, and have since had another child, I could only see a small amount of patients. Now that the kids are older, my business is growing at a rapid rate. I pay rent % by appointment that I work, but am feeling as though I am paying too much per month for the space I am allotted. I know that their is value in the referrals, and exposure being in the middle of a very busy office, but when is too much rent, too much rent?

How can I determine the value of my space and what it offers?

Any comments would be GREATLY appreciated!


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I'm planning in the future to rent a room in a medical office (chiro, pain management, orthopedist,etc) in South florida but don't know how to incentive a doctor to rent me a space. Don't know how much is fair to pay per month. I definitely don't want to pay a commission per patient, I prefer to pay a fixed rate, the problem is that doctors and chiro's they know it's not a good deal for them that way because they know they can make more money by paying an hourly salary to the LMT instead of renting a space.

I'm struggling right now with this issue because here in South Florida its very frustrating in finding a space to rent in a medical office!
Hi Angela,

I am having the same problem right now too! I have been working for a chiropractor as an employee for 2 years and have decided I would rather be independent because she does not allow me to work past 5pm, Mon-Fri. Which is not very convienent for almost all my clients. So I mentioned this to her and she told me she wanted $1,200/month!!! I laughed in her face...everyone I have talked to says the going rate is between $300-$500/month depending on what is included and how big the room is. I have also heard the going rate is $1/square foot. If you have any tips for me that would be great! Hope you figured it out!

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