massage and bodywork professionals

a community of practitioners

I have been recently pondering about advertising!! Advertisment CAN be expensive. Especially TV and radio. Print is the most used way of advertisment. So I was wondering would it be better to get a bunch of T-shirts, key chains, car magnet etc.... and see how well that does as oppose to a print ad that costs 200-300 dollars and it only lasts for a month a most. Where i can have these things and people can see them all the time.

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I use a car magnet (both sides) and an A-frame sign that says "Massage Therapy available TODAY" with my number on it - out in front of my business. Don't forget "Thank you" and "Birthday" cards for clients! And asking for referrals!
I have seen TV ads and heard radio ads for different bodywork businesses over the years. What I have found, was when a spa or chiropractor or massage office did a radio commercial, all the bodyworkers would get busy. The local radio station in my area offers discounted packages if you would like be a sponsor for certain events--high school sports, local marathon, relay 4 life, etc. Your business would be mentioned several times on the air during the event, which would also include a live interview.

The thing is, whether you do print, radio or TV, it is the repetition of the commercials/ads that draws in business. I can't remember the stats, but I think it is something like 13 times seeing in print and 9 times hearing it? Don't quote me, here.

Wearing t-shirts and car magnets sounds like a good start. I know a Reiki practitioner who pays a small monthly fee to have her friends drive around with car magnets promoting her Reiki business. An A-frame sign, lawn sign or banner could also be helpful to market your business while keeping everything affordable.

I have not had much luck with key chains and other give-aways bringing in business. What helped me was word-of-mouth referrals from friends, family, colleagues and health practitioners. Also, it helped my business when I would set-up at different community events. Are you a member of your area Chamber of Commerce? You may be able to get clients through cross-promoting with other businesses.

Would joining up with another therapist(s) help you in purchasing advertising in print or TV/radio?


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