I'm having the hardest time trying to find continuing education classes (actual classes you show up for) for massage in the state of Florida. Particularly in the Tampa Bay area.
If anyone has any knowledge of a good resource that provides that information it would be much appreciated.
I'm waiting for the State to complete the approval for my re-application as a CE Provider for Reiki I & II (12 hours). I let it lapse so have to go thru the "process" again. If you're interested let me know and I'll notify you as soon as my re-approval is completed.
I live in St. Pete and have an office in Pinellas Park so we're pretty close.Also, if you're not interested so much in Reiki hands-on training you might want to look into CranioSacral training thru the Upledger Institute. There are classes in the state at variuos times and locations.....they're really quite good.
Good Luck,
Check out Susan Walsh's website for Indian Champissage - she is a provider for Florida and will teach a class/workshop if enough people are interested.