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There are a lot of very important, very serious discussions going on, so I thought I'd add something a little less intense just for fun. :-)

What is your favorite massage music? I'm always looking for something new, as I get bored hearing the same stuff over and over. (Hearing the same two CDs at massage school for a year made me anti-Enya forever!)

Please include the name of the CD, the artist, a brief description and why you like it. (If there's a good website where you can get the music, add that, too!)

1) "Blessings to You"

2) Therapeutic Harpist Tami Briggs

3) Three "simple" (as opposed to "complex" like Jazz) pieces combine harp, flute and guitar for a deeply felt yet soothing combination that lasts approximately one hour.

4) I love it because it's very non-intrusive, calming music that becomes part of the whole relaxation experience. I really enjoy solo instrumental music that doesn't have the sometimes-distracting nature/vocal elements. Plus, this CD doesn't have any previously recorded music on it, which I find can be distracting. (Love the Four Seasons, but you can hear Vivaldi at any wedding or on a Macy's shopping trip. Kind of ruins the mood for me!) Tami is a local Minnesota girl, and I enjoy supporting the "small" artists. I have several of her other CD's, including the lullaby CD for my daughter!


Your turn! :-)

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Medicine Woman II by medwyn goodall- kinda hokey in some parts but I LOVE the CD!
Also Jami Sieber has a beautiful sound :)
I love Anaguma. They have several CD's my two favorites are Shamanic Dream I and II. They have a nice sound with Native American and Aboriginal influences. Also William Ackerman has some nice guitar music some of which can be used for massage.
I just picked up a CD from Barnes and Noble by Gaiam called "Connections" with music by Tom Rossi. It has a really neat mixture of instruments and is a nice balance between slow and sleepy and more upbeat.
I wanted something different and a little more umm hip (?) I guess, so I have been using the Rock-a-bye baby lullabies music.
It's nice listening to some heavier and recognizable songs but in such a light melodic manner.
I wont lie though, after a few hours of this its nice to change it up some, it can make you pretty sleepy.
I recently composed an album of music specifically for massage. Give it a listen if you get a chance. thanks!
"Tranquility Hideaway"
Music for Massage, Meditation, Insomnia, Relaxation. One hour of continuous musical serenity, created on the soft, low timbre of the bass flute. "An experience of floating in a calm flute lake while still connected to the Earth by a Native Heart Drum." Brand new Album: "Tranquility Hideaway" by Kat Epple. Listen:
Hi Julianne

The music i like to listen to is cafe chill out music, Anything with a beat in french inspired music and chanting spiritual music which uplifts my spirit and soul. Thants me Rebecca.
Shamanic Dream II by Anugama because of the the calm beat it provides to my massage.

Inuk by Buddhattitude (same family as Buddha Bar). On the theme of Artica, it has been really appreciated by the clients because it changes a little from the singing birds and piano. ; )


Hi... I just love anything by Fridrick Karlsson.... My gosh he is awesome.. Very relaxing to use while I'm giving a massage.


Becca Post
Right now I enjoy working to Pink Martini's Hang on Little Tomato album. It is a fun and eclectic blend of music - a little lounge, a little Euro, a little Latino, a little Asian, a little Pop, etc.
For a more subtle moment, I may switch to Nora Jones or Natalie Merchant.
I do enjoy working to playlist with a mix of classic rock, Latino beat, oldies, vocals and alternative bands - fun for client and therapist! Anything with a beat works well.

I got bored with my music, and had a background both in creative commons content and in video/audio production, so I started making my own tracks.  Then I got permission from the artists to sell the tracks... and have now turned it into a business...


Outside of the music that I blend to make new creations, I also like:


Voices (by Vangelis)

Pure Relaxation (a CD I picked up one time at Target)

I used to put together my own mixes, but now I let my clients choose what they want to listen to. As I do therapeutic massage in their homes, they have exactly what they like. I have massaged to opening day baseball, Law & Order SVU, CMT, GAC, Kid Rock, oldies, classical, you name it.

I have found that using the clients music puts me in time with them. I like the variety (although I could have dome without the baseball game) and have been introduced to music that I might normally never listed to.

Give it a shot - you may find it very enjoyable!

I have done that as well.  One time to Credence Clearwater.  I find that jarring music makes it more difficult for me to be present with the client.  I can only imagine what the gun shots of a Law and Order SVU might do to me working on someone.

I just find that certain kinds of relaxing music help me to move the client to somewhere different, and I like them to leave in a very different place (physically and mentally) than when they came in.  It could be just as much about me as anything though.

If you can massage to Law and Order or Kid Rock, more power to you!



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