Vermont Massage Therapists

Anything and everything of interest to Vermont massage therapists and bodyworkers.
  • Kevin Clark

    While massage regulation is the current hot button topic, please feel free to post anything that may be of interest to Vermont massage therapists, bodyworkers, and healers. Thanks!
  • Diedre Seeley

    Having lived in different states, I have never seen the advantage of licensing for massage therapists. The advantage goes to those who make money off of massage therapists -- associations, testing organizations, massage schools.
  • judith jamieson

    I agree! Licensing for massage does not seem to make better massage therapists- oddly sometimes almost the opposite, probably because the qualities that make a good massage therapist aren't ones that you can easily test! But if licensing is going to come, let's try to get as fair and good a law as possible!
  • Diedre Seeley

    I agree with your last statement, Judith. Unfortunately I forgot the date, and today was the hearing in Montpelier. But, ABMP will keep me posted as to the results. Will let you know.
  • Diedre Seeley

    Just moved to Burlington area. Looking for someone to trade sessions with. I specialize in Ohashiatsu (acupressure), but also do deep tissue, etc.
  • David Onne

    Just to let you both know, there's still time to get your voice heard. The OPR is accepting written statements for the next 10 days. Address your concerns to Larry Novins Please write "Massage Therapists Licensure" in the subject line. I will put more information about the meeting in the Discussion topic above.