Michael Spackman


Sacramento, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your website?
Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Integrative Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Medical Massage, Energy Work

Comment Wall:

  • Helen Chavez

    Hey, Michael i read your discussion topic. Good one i have often thought about it my self. Are you billing for your NMT. or reg massage? There is a gal back east that offers a insurance billing course for massage therapist. I think in Pennsulvania. I have been successful with PI's on occation but no w/c or reg ins. I believe for reg insurance billing you have to be part of a referal networking group and it will cost some bucks. Good luck! Keep me informed. Helen
  • Helen Chavez

    Yes, I have worked with PI or auto claims too. Dont do too many anymore though. But yes, hopefully our new structure will enable us to use the insurances as another way to solicate our services for therapeutic massage. I heard several years ago that as a NMT you are able to bill insurances and get reimbursemen- more than regular massage. Is that what you are doing?.
  • Helen Chavez

    Awsome Michael, I look forward to your progression. I totally believe all this new communication is great for all CMT's. Networking is the way to go!