Hi Janelle,
Would be interested in the Polish, Chech and Spain connections. What i am
hoping to do is teach medical personel Soft tissue assessment techs, i.e. Orthopedic and correcting hip levels, sacral torsions etc. Give them manuals
and perhaps do a clinic with them. If you want to join me all the better.
would love to do the Africa clinic, they in general need the info more than any other continent. So Kenya, Sudan and Ghana would be great, and again hope you'll join me. Esp. in african countries, there is usually a modesty barrier that is difficult for male massage therapist to get thru. That was my experience in Uganda and some extent South Africa.
Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB
Aug 19, 2009
django sanders
Would be interested in the Polish, Chech and Spain connections. What i am
hoping to do is teach medical personel Soft tissue assessment techs, i.e. Orthopedic and correcting hip levels, sacral torsions etc. Give them manuals
and perhaps do a clinic with them. If you want to join me all the better.
Aug 26, 2009
django sanders
Aug 26, 2009
django sanders
would love to do the Africa clinic, they in general need the info more than any other continent. So Kenya, Sudan and Ghana would be great, and again hope you'll join me. Esp. in african countries, there is usually a modesty barrier that is difficult for male massage therapist to get thru. That was my experience in Uganda and some extent South Africa.
Aug 27, 2009