Christopher M. Todd


San Francisco, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Hot Stone, Sports Massage, Chair Massage, Shiatsu, Acupressure, Thai/Thai Yoga Massage

Comment Wall:

  • Rachel Estelle

    Hi Chris.
    I am currently not trading for massage, but your bodywork sounds similar to mine, with a twist (no punn intended :-) Do you have a website or more information I can view about your business? I would love to come and be a client of yours. Thank you.
  • Rachel Estelle

    I just read your menu. It is such a creative idea, the way you set your services up. I have never seen anything like that. I am intrigued by some of your services. What district do you live in? I have never heard of your street before. Do you practice out of your home or in a studio?
  • Karuna Gutowski

    Hi Christopher, I live in Soquel, south of Santa Cruz. I love to do trades, but I don't know when I will be up in SF next. I am interested in learning about Hot Stone, since I just did a trade with someone on Sunday who used some stones and found the experience very soothing. I hope you find someone in SF to trade with.