Shawn Maria Brinza


Pensacola, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your website?
Which modalities do you practice?
Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Stone, Pre-natal Pregnancy Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Thai/Thai Yoga Massage, Energy Work

Comment Wall:

  • Sue Heldenbrand

    Hi Shawn...thanks for joining. Do you use energy work in combination with your massage?

    I would be honored to have you in my network. I am grateful to have the opportunity to combine efforts with others so that everyone benefits. . I feel that we will all benefit from working synergistically.

    If you would like to be listed in my holistic practitioner’s directory, please let me know. The basic listing is free…This is the link.

    Warm Regards,
    Certified Healing Touch Practitioner
  • Sue Heldenbrand

    Hi Shawn..I understand exactly what you are saying about being in a candy seems the more you learn, the more you want to learn and the more you realize what you don't know..laughing. I also teach subtle body energy to massage students and they don't realize that they are doing energy work while doing massage as everything is energy. As you become more sensitive to what you are feeling, then your vibration will increase and your clients will receive more from their sessions. It is important to shield and ground and center if you are feeling that you need to be cleared after sessions. You may be picking up what your clients are releasing and that can be draining for don't want to take on their problems. There are different ways of doing this...a simple way is to surround yourself with a bubble of white light or God's love, setting your intention for the highest good of all concerned, allowing only positive love and light to enter your field.
    Many blessings to you and your work.
  • Jeni Spring, LMT / Heeling Sole

    Hi Ashi Lady! You look soooo familiar! I think I must have a picture of you doing Ashi or something in my instructor manual or something..... :)
  • Sue Heldenbrand

    Hi Shawn..well, it sounds like you are doing all the right things. It can be draining if you do not get the work yourself, so it is important that you are taking care of yourself. At this time there is so much that is being released to be transmuted..what isn't working is surfacing so that it can be transmuted into something positive. As lightworkers, we are here to bring in more light. It seems that you are very emphatic and so just being out in a crowd, you probably are picking up what's going on with everyone else. It's important to be constantly aware of keeping up your shield of protection and re-enforcing it when necessary. Lots of people are being drained by things being released, yet are unaware of what is going on and consequently are getting ill. I ask Michael the Archangel to transmute everything that is not is the highest good into love and light. It is also important that you keep your vibration up, so that lower vibrations do not affect you as much. You can do this by getting massages, energy work, balancing your chakras, meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, keeping positive, affirmations and anything else that would raise your vibration.Hope that this has been helpful..keep in touch and let me know how it is working for you.
  • Bamboo-Fusion

    Hello Shawn,

    Very happy too to be part and see you at the KY Festival :) Here are some contact from Therapist practicing Bamboo-Fusion in Pensacola.
    Lydia Nixon :
    Fawn Marabella :

    Have a wonderful day :)
  • Diane McCarter

    Thanks Shawn,

    Yes I am grateful to be able to do this beautiful and divine work.
    I don't think I'm going to the WMF, but hopefully we will be able to meet sometime.