Whitney Lowe


Homer, AK

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Mike Hinkle

    Hi Whitney,

    Sounds like we need to set you up for a research class at the 2011 Festival. The Masage Therapy Foundation will be the Institution of the Year and you can MC a Research Symposium. Given that much time you can have studies done and polls created to attain all the info you can handle. And with so many people participating, you'll get a better feel for the information.
  • Susan G. Salvo

    I need some reviewers for a new pathology project I'm working on.

    Criteria are that they are pathology instructors at a massage school and know how to work with Track Changes.

    Can you hook me up?
  • Susan G. Salvo

    Great. I sent the info on to Kelly.

    If you could recommend a few more, that would be awesome.

    I'm doing great. Thanks for asking.

    What are up to these days? Still in Alaska?
  • Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB

    Hi Whitney - I'd appreciate it if you would invite me to be a friend on this group. We re friends on Facebook. This system limits the number of friends' invititations and I've expired my limit. Thanks. Warmly, Ariana Vincent, Ariana Institute, www.arianainstitute.com

  • Mike Hinkle

    We went ahead and set the theme for 2011 as "Research & Education Are Our Future!" If you have ideas let me know and I'll create them into reality.
  • Kathy Jo King

    Hi Whitney, glad to see you here. I met you at the New England retreat last March. Have you been invited back this year? I want to learn better assessment skills and your session was a big eye opener for me. I have a lot to practice. Also, how's the DVD series coming? I'm excited to see them. Be well, and I look forward to learning from you again.