Mike Hinkle


Roaring River, NC

United States

Profile Information:

What is your website?
Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Integrative Massage, Reflexology, Therapeutic Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Aromatherapy, Thai/Thai Yoga Massage

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  • Iris James-Aponte

    Thank you. Just finish school and now to the real world.
  • Liza Derkatch

    Thankyou! this is all new to me however, I am glad to have joined...will look inot profile etc more when time permits...anyone going to settle in May?? or Kentucky in June?? This massage therapist from Oz is thinking on both...so we could even meet! Cheers LIZA D
  • Brian Leng

  • Angela Shelly

    I didn't expect such a quick and warm welcome...thank you!!! I hope your holiday season is the best yet!!!
  • Lynda S. Faustini

    Greetings Mike~ thank you, I am in the midst of exploration here and intentions to have fun!
  • Bruce Hay

    Will do. Glad you enjoyed your time here. Thanks for the message.
  • Jennifer Britt

    Hi Mike,
    thanks for the warm welcome
  • Katherine Tomlinson

    Hi, Mike. Thanks for the invitation. I look forward to reading the discussion links, having fun, and learning a thing or two along the way.
  • Barbara Kardokus

    Thanks Mike... I am not a Massage Therapist.. I do all the graphics for Erik Dalton. Have learned a lot about your industry over the years I have been working with him... Nice to meet you!
  • Jennifer D

    thank you mike!
  • Hollie McIntire

    WOW! Hi back! And thank you! Happy Holidays!
  • Kevin Howley

    Hi Mike, Thanks for friend request.
  • Hope Cramer

    Hi Mike, thank you for the welcome! I'm happy to be a part of such a wonderful online community. I'll look at the different groups you have available here. Although I'm not a massage therapist, I have a healing space in North Scottsdale here in Arizona, where I have done trades for services with massage therapists as well as see my clients. I especially love one certain style of massage: Hawaiian Lomi Lomi. I do Reiki energy healing with sound and crystal healing, Spiritual Life Path Coaching and Angel readings. I do these via email as well as in person. If you're interested, please take a look at my website at www.metaphysicalservices.com . Wishing you a very happy and healthy holiday and new year!
  • Yvonne S Richards

    thank you for the warm welcome Mike
  • Tammy Ann Poirier

    Hi Mike:

    Thanks and I'm looking forward to the information shared among my "family therapists". So much can be learned from one another and I like the video you posted and will do some research........I would love to attend!
  • francis a. saud

    i am now graduating on my nursing course.. and i have so many plans..and one of that is to pass the board and have a training on massage therapy. one of my dream is to work as a nurse or a massage therapist in a cruise! i always dream of it. I just would like to ask information or tips on how to become an effective therapist and what are the requirements in applying in the cruise? thanks you
  • francis a. saud

    i really wanted to become a massage therapist! and work in a cruise! . after i finish studying nursing and passing the board exam. im planning to have a training in massage here in the philippines and get a certificate.
  • zoe monroe

    hi mike,
    thanks..i plan on it! merry christmas

  • Julia Franco

    Thank you for the congrats on passing the NCTMB! I am proud to be one of the Pros officially!
  • Manuel Aranguren

    Thank you for adding me Sir...and I hope to learn something new about MT techniques....
  • Cameron

    Hi Mike..How are you?
  • Angela Wilson

    Thanks Mike!
  • Hans Stephens

    Thank You Mike! I appreciate the welcome :)
  • Mahendra

    Sybol place of my city Bhavnagar

  • Gabriella Sonam

    Thank you
  • Linda Pearce Griffin

    Thank you for the warm welcome.
    Where is Roaring Rock?
  • Iliana Bravo

    Thank you for the warm welcome
  • Lisa Salvo

    Hello Mike, Thank you for the welcoming message! I hope you had a lovely holiday and have a wonderful new year!
  • Teri Piper

    Thank you Mike. I'm not sure if I have time for many groups, but I will do my best to have fun! Blessed be in this new year, I believe a most auspicious time!
  • Kat McClain

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the welcome! Looking forward to an outstanding 2010.

    Peace and blessings,

  • Ron Phelan

    Hi Mike, greetings from Australia. Thanks for the warm welcome.

    Regards, Ron
  • andrea@thebodypolitic.net

    thanks. needs a serious overhaul and update, tho. no time at present to do it - leaving for thailand on sunday for 3.5 weeks to get lots of thai massage!!!

    if you know of people who have places where they could host my 3-day workshop - 'my thai' - please let me know. i'd like to teach a lot more in 2010 and beyond. thanks, and happy new year,
  • silvana marroche

    Thanks so much for your welcome!
  • phyllis

    Thank you.
  • Dan O'Clair

    Thanks MIke!
  • Joseph Williams

    Hello Mike I'm glad to be here as well
  • Dorothy Ann Ruffin

    Hey Mike, just woule like to wish you and everyone a very Happy New Year!! Can't wait until I finish school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(April 14th 2010)!!!!
  • Privai Academy

    Hi Mike.... G
  • Heather Sprouse, LMT

    Hi! Nice to meet you!
  • Dan L. Hendrix

    Thank you Mike..I really enjoy reading your posts and other writings.
  • Lu Ann Brown

    Hi Mike, Nice to meet you! I can't believe how active this site is!
  • Dan L. Hendrix

    Hi Mike...I just wanted to tell you..I did a search..google I think...an it led me to a post of yours....something about NCMTB ....I was really, so favorablly impressed...Ms. Allen also....both of you..very frank..even handed..Thanks so much.
  • Greg Hurd

    Thank you for welcoming me. I am sure I will be more involved once I understand the site more.
  • Michael Krizek 6304

    Hi Mike!, I finally had some time to complete my registration to this site.

    Anita ( Massage Cupping (tm) and I , have been busy setting our schedules for the busy 2010.

    If you know anyone who would like to attend Anita's Massage Cupping(tm) class if France May of 2010, have them check out www.massagecupping.com for details. See you at the World Massage Festival!
  • Secret Rackley

    thank you for the welcome, I'm looking forward to getting to pick your brain about all there is to know about MT!
  • Find Massage Therapists

    Hey great to be your friend now. Check us out at www.FindMassageTherapists.com
  • Mary Debono

    Hi, Mike! Thanks! Glad to be here! Check out my work at www.SENSEmethod.com.
  • Clyde Rae Jolie-Ashe

    Hi, Mike,

    Thanks for welcoming me. This is an interesting process and learning curve.

  • Theresa Kirksey

    Hi Mike

    Thank you for welcoming me to the community.