Dominique Bounds


Saint Louis, MO

United States

Profile Information:

Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Myofascial Release, Chair Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Trigger Point Therapy

Comment Wall:

  • Darcy Neibaur

    Welcome Dominique
  • Mike Hinkle

    Glad you are here. Would you comment at this discussion, when you get a chance? Thanks
  • silvana marroche

    wow Dominique that really sucks that you cant find work :( So sorry. Not even private clients?
    Have your tried events? or start your own with a couple of massage therapy friends.
    Like a chair massage event, at a gym, or even go to hospitals. I think that with massage you have to REALLY get creative and its not like any other job where you just apply, get the job and work. I dont know, maybe I am wrong, but its almost like you have to really market yourself. And theres always someone that needs a massage :)

    Do you live in the middle of no where? a rural area?
    How are your other massage friends from school doing?
    Anyone else have any ideas for Dominique???
  • silvana marroche

    Oh. take the certification test. Are not ready? getting rusty? or its alot of cash huh? some girls from my school that have just graduated have not taken the exam due to paying the fee... and some have sent in money to the board, like in payments until the whole fee was paid. Thats if cash is an issue.
    If i were you, i'd crakc the books and review all your old tests, and start practicing on friends :)
    It'll happen for you :) just visualize and thats how it will be :)
    wish you the best!