Paula Hulen, CMT


Chico, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Integrative Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology, Hot Stone, Craniosacral Therapy, Sports Massage, Pre-natal Pregnancy Massage, Chair Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Medical Massage, Energy Work

Comment Wall:

  • Darcy Neibaur

    Welcome Paula
  • Eeris Kallil CMT

    thank you Paula! I did do my web site my self. when you are ready let me know if you need some pointers. my web host is and they have templets you can use. there is a bit of a learning curv but its pretty easy, just time consuming. it made a BIG difference in my buisness to have a web site!
    talk to you later!
  • Shari Auth, LMT, L.Acu, NCBTMB

    Thanks Paula!
  • Kim Rossell

    Hello Paula, I just joined this site. Havn't yet found the section with the questions. I'm still searching. Great site. Talk to you later............. Kim
  • Kim Rossell

    I still don't know how to connect with the section of questions
  • Kim Rossell

    Work has picked up a little here and there, because of groups. Looks good for december.
    I'll try checking out that anatomy physiology group thing. Thanks. Kim
  • Gloria Coppola

    Hi Paula & Aloha!

    I teach lomi lomi , have you studied it yet? Love it!

    Hey, would you please participate in a massage survey? Thanks!

    Please help me compile this information. I'd like more than a 1,000 if possible. Sure it is!
    Your participation is MOST appreciated.
    Remember you do not have to answer all the questions and Page 2 is "optional". Page two is for those employed only, NOT Self Employed!The survey company automatically includes Page 2 and I was unable to edit or delete. SO it IS OPTIONAL!
    Pass it on to your colleagues too.

    The intention is to publish this research to assist
    Future LMT's, educators, employers and anyone else interested in the statistics of the massage industry!
    I want to give you a voice to share your thoughts and experiences.

    The Survey will end November 29, 2009
  • Gloria Coppola

    THanks Paula!
    Much appreciation for your participation.

    Lovin your lomi? We have a lomi group here! Join us
  • Cindy Greenwood

    Congratulations Paula!! Good Luck for the end of the month. I hope you get to the Vegas show (and don't shop too much!).