Susan G. Salvo


Lake Charles, LA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your website?
Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Pre-natal Pregnancy Massage, Chair Massage, Trigger Point Therapy

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  • Susan G. Salvo

    Yes, under contact dermatitis. There a picture of the plant (several plant types) and the infection.
  • Ashley Parada

    Thanks Susan!
  • Peaches

    oh thanks! Toby.
  • Ashley Parada

    i finally added a picture!
  • Mary Lou Ross

    Susan, I am a LMT in GA and new here. Just saw you did a ppt for an oncology group of RNs. I would be interested in seeing this if possible as I am in the process of educating my local community in this manner. I appreciate any and all assistance that can be given in this area.
    Sincerely, Mary Lou Ross
  • Mary Lou Ross

    Susan, How do I find the ppt?
  • Ashley Parada

    Aww Thanks!
  • Noel Norwick

    Wonder if your upcoming book will cover current medical interested in/finding re the placebo response (

    BMC Med. 2007; 5: 3. Published online 2007 March 19. doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-5-3. PMCID: PMC1847831. Copyright © 2007 Meissner et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
    Evidence for placebo effects on physical but not on biochemical outcome parameters: a review of clinical trials
    Karin Meissner,1 Hans Distel,1 and Ulla Mitzdorf1
    1Institute of Medical Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich, Germany. Corresponding author.
    Karin Meissner:; Hans Distel:;Ulla Mitzdorf:

    Additionally, FYI - Lauren Armstrong, (Elsevier, Career Sales Representative, Health Sciences. 760.889.0517., says she will mail a copy of your Massage Therapy book to me.
  • Susan G. Salvo

    Wow - I'll ck it out. Thanks!
  • Mary Lou Ross

    Susan please send me info on the Dec. class. (details) I would like to see if I can make it.
  • Les Sweeney

    I like your thinking! We will follow up on this. On another note, thanks for all your hard work on the BOK - I will see you next week.

  • Bonny Donnelly

    Excellent book- Thank you - we used it in school and I still refer to it!
  • Terry Craddock

    susan, do you have any information on spina bifida, parkinson diseas and or Crebral palsy? I am in early stages of creating my own research on controlling secondary issues related to these 3 with and all information at this time is appreciated...thanks terry craddock
  • Dayna Davis

    Oh yes I am enjoying clinical's very much. It is giving me real world experience which is needed very much. See you next week.
  • Alex Frigino

    Hi Susan, that's great and yes it did the same for me. I think that the training track has received several 'upgrades' since then. Advanced courses were added a while back and 'senior' practitioner was added as a distinction. Also I would imagine that instructors, like practitioners, will have matured in their understanding of what works by the usual process of trial and error. Best regards, Alex
  • Amy O'Connor

    A Fourth Edition!?!? You are SUCH a rock star! :-)
  • Susan G. Salvo

    I'm having so much fun too. Lot's of cool changes. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
  • Laura Allen

    Thank you so much!
  • Kathy Laskye

    Please join ABMP's 14th Annual School Issues Forum group
  • Lisa

    thanks for the compliment. hopefully no one is taking my suggestions as an insult or pushy. :)
  • Liz

    HI Susan - Thanks for your interest in writing articles. You are actually cited as a footnote on one of the massage articles we have on!
  • Susan G. Salvo

    Thanks. Let me know if you need anything.
  • Lisa Salvo

    Hey Susan,
    Thanks for the welcome! Small world! I have not met many other Salvo's. :) I hope you had a lovely holiday and have a wonderful new year!
  • Robin Byler Thomas

    Hi Susan, Glad to know you. You seem to really be doing a lot for your students. You are right; most research isn't experienced until doctoral level. So trying to teach research literacy to MT students who most often have high school diplomas is a challenge. Bottom line; exposure. So no matter how much you are able to fit in it's a step in the right direction. Take care, Robin
  • Erik Dalton, Ph.D.

    Howdy Susan: Thx for the invite...keep the passion.
  • Monica Reno, LMT, NCTMB

    Susan...its my Ridgeback....."Arson". He is 7.
  • Monica Reno, LMT, NCTMB

    in my previous relationship all our animals were named for fire X was a firefighter. Hence, sparkie the cat, arson & ember the dogs...halligan the bird. Since then, 2005 lost the X kept the dog! What is up, in a nut shell...busy with private practice in The Villlages, Fl. Working with Elsevier on fun projects, putting together lecture series I hope to take on the road in the fall of about you?
  • Susan G. Salvo

    I'm, well, a little busier than I like to be. Should finish up with an online project in about two months and 4th editon of first book in about 6 mos. MTBOK is eating my lunch till May. Then I want some time to garden and cook!!!! I hope we hook up soon. Would love to have coffee with you.

    Tell me more about your projects and lecture series.
  • Sarah C Simpkins

    Thank you! Yes Mam I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am convinced after this weekend that I am where I need to be and I am so thankful to have such great teachers that are easy to communicate with and so helpful, I was terrified at first but I am so excited and motivated now!
  • Tammy Ann Poirier

    Hi Susan: good to see you. I think about you and when someone questions massage I always recommend your school. I am going to test next month for my estheticians license so I can incorporate it with massage. Planning on a day spa with full service, excluding the nail extensions. I'm trying to keep it natural and healthy.
  • Juli Melo

    Hi Susan

    Yes, I am enjoying class very much! I am so grateful that I am learning massage from such an amazing group of people. Thank you!
  • Toni Myles

    Hey Susan,

    Will get a pic loaded soon. I think class in wonderful. I am learning a lot and having a blast. Thanks.
  • ken hatcher

    Hi Susan
    Thank You for the invite. This looks like it will be a fun, powerful group. I'll see yall in April, when i get off the High Seas.
    Ben is growing like a weed
  • Christy Granger

    Thanks Honey!
  • Tom Mertes


    Thanks for the comment on my picture. I need to do something about getting something more current up.
  • Jenny Miller

    Hey yourself, friend!
    The pic is from our trip to Kaua'i...hubby and i went there last year to celebrate our tenth year together by getting officially married up!
    Miss you much. Holler if you get some free time!
  • Steve Capellini

    Good to be your friend...
  • Steve Capellini

    I appreciate that. Looking forward to being in touch. Steve
  • Don Solomon

    Hi Susan,
    I look forward to sharing ideas..
    Will you be attending the Massage Therapy Foundation Research Conference in Seattle in May ?? I'm still battling my accountant to see if I can go...
    My friend Willie Fourie, PT will be speaking at the Conference. After that he will be teaching 3-4 courses (on the 'Myofascial implications of Breast Cancer Surgery' ) here in Vancouver Check out the interview my friend Ann Sleeper did with Willie back in 2007 at on the subject (pardon the sound quality) :
    Part 1)
    Part 2)
    Part 3)
    Pay attention to on Part 3 at 3:50 onward where he talks about the postural re-education model and the psycosocial implication of scar formation..

    Still at bank during the week but working at L'Auberge as on call therapist. Busy Busy! Hope everything is well for you!
  • Allan J Jones

    HEYY...GILBERT-MESA...maybe we meet sometime.....!!!!!
  • Mirra Greenway

    Hi, Susan-
    I am glad you liked my reviews! I love your texts so much, it was hard to "mess with" them. Sorry for my delayed response, but I took some time away for my birthday last week, and to enjoy the rainy but beautiful Spring here in Missouri..
  • Jennifer Watrous

    Thank you, Susan! This is fun!
  • Johnathan N. Hebert , LMT, NCTMB

    Thanks Suzie!
  • Paul Lewis, RMT, NCBTMB,MFHT

    Hello Susan, I have not been on the site for a while and just saw your message. Hope all is well. ...Paul.
  • Taylor Cox

    Thank you for the welcome! I'm hoping this website will help me with networking and informative resources in my new career! I am fresh out of school and don't know many other therapists in my location so I'm looking forward to meeting new people here!
  • Debra Rilea

    Hi Susan,
    Yes the ABMP webinar was helpful, discovered that we are further along the path of technology in the classroom than we thought. We will be using blended learning for continuing education as it is currently prohibited for a basic massage program in the State of Nevada.
    Thanks for sharing,
  • Debra Rilea

    As long as it takes to change Nevada State law (3 to 7 years) to allow the Commission on Postsecondary Education, the agency that licensing private vocational educational institutes including ours, to accept online training for massage therapy schools. That is a lifetime for many, therefore we are starting with continuing education. Thanks for the link, great information!
  • Debra Rilea

    Ours in very restrictive, in the first line of the Nevada Adminstrative Code "The commission will not approve a correspondence course in massage." See for full code. And there are additional laws Nevada Revised Statutes that govern schools but do not contain language about online or correspondence course work.
  • Debra Rilea

    Our state massage board does not regulate schools, only massage therapists, therefore they follow the direction of the Commission on Postsecondary Education (state regulatory agency that licenses massage schools) as to what education they will recognize.
    From previous conversations with CPE, they will allow classroom-based education only.