Bruce Baltz


New York, NY

United States

Profile Information:

What is your website?
Which modalities do you practice?
Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Stone, Therapeutic Massage, Medical Massage, Trager Approach

Comment Wall:

  • Michelle Doyle, D.C., CNMT

    Hi Bruce,
    Thanks for the friend invitation!
  • Marshall Dahneke

    Hi Bruce! I hope all is well with you. I hope to catch up soon.
  • Emma Torsey

    Nice web site!
  • Makana Risser Chai

    Aloha Bruce, Mahalo for asking me to be your friend. Sorry for my delay - somehow I missed that email. You do Trager! Yum. Nobody seems to do it here in Hawaii. That's one of the few things I miss from the mainland.
  • Dan O'Clair

    Thank you for the invite. I don't get on here as often as I'd like but will try to follow what's going on.
  • Joseph E. Muscolino

    Hi Bruce,

    I'd love to. Where in NY are you? The City? Either you can come up to Stamford or I can make it down to the City.
    BTW, is your email still
  • Boris Prilutsky

    Hi Bruce.
    Thank you for offering friendship. I hope that this will be pleasant and mutual beneficial friendship.I am a team player and if you will have some ideas to work together positive it can work out.
    Best wishes.
  • Victor Lopez

    Thanks for the add Bruce.
    All in wellness.