

Wylie, TX

United States

Profile Information:

What is your website?
Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Integrative Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Therapeutic Massage

Comment Wall:

  • Julie Renee Willis

    Thanx, Lisa! And i feel like on a site like this, we ALL should be friends! ;-)
  • Mike Hinkle

    Hi Lisa!
  • Darcy Neibaur

    Welcome Lisa
  • Tony Poland, CMT

    Normally, yes. I'm a cyclist. I am co-captain of the sports medicine team on the AIDS/LifeCycle Ride, the world's largest private fundraiser for AIDS services and prevention. I ride with the cyclists as they're training. However, this June I injured my shoulder and haven't ridden since.
  • Tony Poland, CMT

    No, it wasn't a crash. The Ortho Surgeon says it was from loading the trucks over and over during the ride. I have years of experience with driving & loading trucks and warehouse management, so I drive the Sports Med/Chiro Team/Massage Team truck. In the years past I have always been in the front of the truck loading and unloading each item on the truck. From now on I'll be pointing and using my experience from a distance. No more truck loading for me. I'm learning to shed the super hero persona.

    The same thing happened to me last year with my right shoulder, only it wasn't diagnosed as torn labrum. They never did an MRI on that side. But I can tell you the symptoms and experience was just the same. A little worse on the left side this year, but essentially the same.

    I like to ride a road bike. I feel like the road bike is dangerous enough. Mountain bikes are so dangerous I tend to white knuckle the handlebar. And I'm not really a nervous sort. I'm an adrenaline junkie, but that may be why I'm in the circumstances to white knuckle the handlebar. I go too fast, almost all the time.
  • Marissa

    Just making it official! :)
  • Trevor Chisman

    Hey Lisa

    How long were you in Manchester for?

    I live in Scotland now, but I'm really a Londoner.
  • michael alan

    yo momma---i am OFF facebook---TMI for all to see!!!! e-mail me at YBSORE56@YAHOO.COM...hope all is well and yeah, you owe me some masages!!!
  • I. Paul Dunsdon

    hey thanks! great heads up. I owe you one.
  • Desmond Cadogan

    Thanks. I'm still working on it.
  • Susan G. Salvo

    You say it in a way that comes off very helpful.

    I have loved all your suggestions and you have taught me a lot about design.
  • Stephen Jeffrey

    Hey Lisa finally got my head back on, so should be on here more often ...missed you too x
  • Stephen Jeffrey

    Havin my head back is great......but come to think of it your head is on here lots n lots I think its becoming lisa's forum disscussions lol
  • Stephen Jeffrey

    Hey Lisa, I dont know whats happening with the private chat on here! I'm getting nothing on screen that tells me you want to chat. Do I have to be on the main page or what.....are you chatting with every one else ok cos I wouldn't ignor you.
  • Don Johnson. LMT

    Hi Lisa. What kind of bike club do you belong to? Just being nosey :) How was the party?
  • Don Johnson. LMT

    Hi Lisa. Mountain biking sounds like alot of fun. Especially with a group. I bike too but mine is a Harley. And Pa is cold and crappy. I live in Pittsburgh and all the parkways and interstate highways where actually shut down for about 4 hours last sunday from ice. It was in the 20's last week. 30's this week . You know how it is . Enjoy your 60's there and good luck with the holidays. Ready or not they will be over soon enough. Take care
  • Rick Reddington

    I like your idea of this to just have some fun. Whoo Hoo!!!
  • Stephen Jeffrey

    Hi Lisa, happy new year and wishing you the smoothest of transitions into full time MTing.
  • Stephen Jeffrey

    Hi Lisa, good to see you om MBP, hope alls good, or getting better for you and your familly.
  • Victor Lopez

    Thanks for the invite Lisa;)
  • Zelda Wafer-Alonge

    anytime - I'd love to chat