Erik Dalton, Ph.D.


Oklahoma City, OK

United States

Profile Information:

What is your website?
Which modalities do you practice?
Deep Tissue Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, Sports Massage, Myofascial Release, Therapeutic Massage, Medical Massage, Structural Integration, Rolfing

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Jeffrey

    Hi Eric, there is a guy that looks so like you on here already. lol
  • Marissa

    I second Stephen! Welcome to the community!:)
  • Rajam K Roose

    Hi Eric,
    Good to hear from you and thanks so much for sharing all your knowledge. It has definitely helped keep me busy in these times! Looking forward to checking out the new dvds!
  • Dominique Daly

    Thank you Erik. Likewise. That house, and site of yours in Costa Rica is looking mighty good! Good luck with that project!
  • Dominique Daly

    Say, I was putting some order (I guess you could call it this) in my home office wich had several piles of material waiting for filing... and guess what? I came upon several documents that are actual blank exams to be turned in to you for review. Believe that I feel so silly to mention it I had assumed it was done eons ago.
  • Dominique Daly

    I am going to Orlando the week after next to assist Aaron with the third Advanced AIS workshop, and should be back mid-month to open/test a free clinic concept in West Hartford. Would you be ok if I were to send you those documents when things slow down a bit for me later in the year? Again, I am so sorry for the oversight... and hope it does not become an inconvenience.
  • D L Williams

    I'd like others opinion on decompression therapy. I have a client that is compressed in L1 thru L5/S1 vertebrae w/central canal stenosis in each with bilateral stenosis in L2 and L3 levels. She is interested in doing decompression therapy and I'm not familiar with it enough to give advise one way or the other. Can anyone give input? Thanx DW
  • Erik Dalton

    Great photo Craig:
    Would love to see Pavel but, once again, I've booked myself into a box next year.
    Am writing a self-published book dedicated to lower quadrant dysfunction, gait, pain management but nothing on rehab. Guest contributors include Serge Gracovetsky, Tom Myers, Art Riggs, Jerry Hesch, Til Luchau, Greenman and possibly research chapters by Robert Schleip and Gil Hedley. If you have anything in the rehab area you'd be willing to include, would love to speak to you about it.. Good to hear from you ~ ERIK
  • Ken Lentine

    Maybe What class are you teaching...Ken
  • Leslie A. Young

    I saw All Erik, All the Time!!!
  • Mike Hinkle

    Mr. Dalton I am Mike Hinkle Sr.'s Son mike hinkle...a massage therapist located in South Carolina and a fan of your work. You were taged into my fathers site some time ago..however I am just now joining this professional site myself. I am glad to be able to speak with you...and I hope you have a wonderful day..and prehaps this clears up the confusion. Mike Jr.
  • LInda Penny

    not sure I'll be around then....but sounds interesting
  • Robin Byler Thomas

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks for the heads up about your upcoming class in Tucson next fall. I was hoping to catch one of your classes; summer works best for me. Do you know your summer 2011 schedule yet? I love to travel for my CEU's when ever possible; Colorado or someplace cool?
  • silvana marroche

    L.A. is PERFECT for me! Fantastic! In May, I will check it out and look forward to meeting you too!
  • Dan L. Hendrix

    Thank you Erik...your work has been a favorite of mine for quite some time now.
    On my FB page, impressed, but not too suprised, when you responded to my link with the late Dr. Abram Hoffer.
    Your Servant,
    Dan L. Hendrix
  • Robin Byler Thomas

    I can see taking a CEU in Costa Rica; something to think about!
  • Jeff Sims

    it's an honor & a privilige.
  • Erik Dalton, Ph.D.

    It's an honor for me too Java Jeff. Keep the passion ~ ERIK
  • Mary Coffee

    Hello, Dr. Dalton:

    I will try to arrange time off for the Santa Fe, NM course. What is the cost for the training?
  • Mechelle Haflich

    Thank you for sending me the info. If you have a web link to the training I'd love to have it. Thank you!
  • Amira Abdelkader

    nice meeting you
    love to know more about your work
  • Liza Derkatch

    Yes, thankyou Mr would be wonderful to attend your learning sessions and gain from your wealth of knowledge!...come to Oz?? This girl from Oz makes every attempt to attend all that she can when in the states. I access your work on U-tube, in anticipation of one day purchasing your series of dvd's. I thoroughly enjoy seeking out the detail and confirmation when researching for my clients. Thankyou for who you are and what you have brought to the world of massage.
  • Erik Dalton, Ph.D.

    Appreciate all the kind words...for some reason, I need them more today ~
  • Gayla Coughlin

    Hello from Las Vegas, Erik! I remember the work you did on me at our LVMT Meetup group demonstration...wonderful! I felt great afterwards. You have done such a fantastic job of training therapists across the Nation, you deserve a LONG cruise!
  • Gayla Coughlin

    Vegas group is VERY active! Meetups are being planned months in advance, with plenty of group sponsors and CEU opportunities. You should visit again, we have a much larger attendance rate. Boris is coming out again shortly, Biofreeze people were just here, too. David Otto is doing a fantastic job as Organizer.
  • Erik Dalton, Ph.D.

    Thx for the kind words David but the real success story lies with the energy you and the "meet-up' volunteers have donated to this project. Four hundred and fifty five members is an astounding accomplishment in this economy....congrats my friend!
  • Peter Lelean

    Dear Erik - re the obliquity/pain/rib dysfunction question, surely you are aware of the relationship? Maybe you're just asking a Dorothy Dixer. My views on that particular subject are in a paper coming to LA in November, encompassing also a link to ductal carcinoma. There you go . . you've been teased back!
  • Maria Daniela Mohr

    Hi Erik, these DVDs will certainly bring a new opportunity to my practice, I live in a small town, where therapist only concentrate on relaxation massage & Spa treatments, which is good and is something that I do as well, but no one really does any corrective work as I call it, so I will hit jackpot once I learn this technique :)
  • Zhang Yu

    Hello,to share the China Child Massage and heal many diseases.Zhang Yu.
  • Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB

    Welcome to the Massage Classifieds group, Erik. Your presence is always welcome. I'm delighted you are participating. Warmly, Ariana