Christopher A. Moyer


Menomonie, WI

United States

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  • Leslie A. Young

    Great to hear from you, Christopher. Actually the site is the brainchild of Les Sweeney (ABMP President) and Lara Bracciate (ABMP online goddess extraordinaire). I was fortunate to be brought into the project by those two. Glad you're enjoying it.
  • Janet R. Kahn

    Hi CHris,
    Thanks for the connect. A big stimulus proposal goes in on Wednesday, then on to the chapter outline and then the review. All should be done by Friday.
  • Noel Norwick

    Hi Christopher: In response to your question today, I posted re placebo response and would very much appreciate the opportunity to discuss it. My email is:
  • Bert Davich

    I believe we have more in common than it might appear. Thank you for the invitation. I have some things I would like to share with you that I do not want on a public form due to political considerations.
  • Erica Olson


    Re: my comments in the Reiki "discussion"--thank you. I will say that I think you certainly could have been more diplomatic and less inflammatory (ie, when someone asks where a good church is, telling them that there is no such thing as God is certain to be disruptive), but I can't say that I disagree with a lot of what you and Keith have to say. However, still interested in what you've got to say.


  • Erica Olson

    Yeah, I noticed that the other day. I told him that I didn't think that going through and deleting all of his comments was particularly productive, either, as he'd said some things that I wanted to respond to. Bad form.

    Hadn't noticed that the thread itself disappeared entirely. Again, pretty unproductive, IMO. I did see that Brenda put up a blog post chastising those of us who chose to carry on the conversation in a direction other than specifically answering her question, though, and I responded to her there as well.

    Frustrating that a good, intellectual conversation can be so threatening as to have people react in such an instinctive manner. *sigh* Ah well. We're all evolving, aren't we?
  • Erica Olson

    "He" is Mike, the one you had most of your discussion with. He replied to a couple of things on . . . Saturday, I believe, during the day, but by nightfall had deleted all of his comments in the thread. I still haven't heard back from him.

    And as for Brenda going home with her marbles . . . all I can do is sigh.
  • Laura Allen

    I love your new picture! Very dashing!
  • Christopher A. Moyer

  • Angie Patrick

    Noooo... Not intended to be spam... his is information I anm asked for all the time, and i have never had anything to give anyone. I would, of course, LIKE you to buy from Massage Warehouse.... but moreover, I think having this data before you buy is far more important. It is shared in the spirit of information only.
  • Marissa

    I think you are becoming addicted to this site! :) Or is it all in the name of research? :):):):)
  • Angela Lind

    Hi Christopher! how are you? hope you are great! :)
  • Darcy Neibaur

    Christopher we want you to come to the 2011 World Massage Festival on Research. I hope you will plan on coming.
  • Christopher A. Moyer

    Thanks Darcy. I'll consider it.
  • Darcy Neibaur

    Added you as a friend. I do not see you or any one else here as the enemy. Mike is my personal friend but I do not agree with how he handles himself sometimes.
  • Darcy Neibaur

    Good morning Christopher!
  • Stephen Jeffrey

    Hi Chris, although on occasion we have not seen eye to eye, I just wanted to let you know that overall, researching the research has become a regular feature on my "to do" list.
    Here in the UK research relating to massage is not highlighted enough so have begun threads that are getting good veiwing and comments.

    I still practice my woo woo when I feel it appropiate :)
  • Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB

    Thanks so much for your note, Christopher. I'm glad to make your acquaintance too.