Barbara Helynn Heard


Seattle, WA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your website?
Which modalities do you practice?
Hot Stone, Abdominal Massage, Lomi Lomi

Comment Wall:

  • Darcy Neibaur

    Welcome Barbara
  • Mike Hinkle

    Glad you are here, Barbara!
  • Travis Alligood

    Welcome Barbara !
  • Marissa

    Welcome to the community!
  • Gloria Coppola

    Aloha Barbara
    Welcome and Thanks for joining the Lomi Lomi group too!
  • Karen Reifinger

    Aloha Barbara, I'm wondering...did i meet you assisting at a Lomi workshop near Sarasota, FL about 5 years ago, cleansing the room with FL water?
  • Barbara Helynn Heard

    Aloha kakahiaka Karen,

    I've never been to Florida.

    The places I call home on one level or another include Washington state - especially Seattle and Olympia - I moved here for college decades ago, the Philalephia area - I was born there, partially raised there and my fathers ancestors are from there, the Boston area - I was mostly raised there, southern NH - my mom's family has been there for 7 generations and they are still there, and finally of course Hawaii - particularly Maui, most particularly Hana, Maui - I go to Hawaii once or twice a year for lomi and hula events. These are the lands that make me who I am.
  • Bonnie Allen

    Aloha Barbara :o) I joined the Lomi Lomi group because I am relatively new in the Massage field and I find Lomi Lomi interesting...So many wonderful healing modalities out there to learn about!
  • Bonnie Allen

    Thank you for sharing! I'm sure that I will have questions so I am grateful you crossed my path.
  • Irish Baldwin

    Aloha kakahiaka Barbara!
    Mahalo nui for the welcome! I'm from Hawaii - born and raised. Naturally, when I recently entered the massage profession I knew I wanted and needed to learn Lomi Lomi. I was able to take a class from a wonderful Kumu named Karen Leialoha Carroll. I'm hoping that she will make a trip out here to teach... I miss her so and she is filled with so much mana, and light. A truly special teacher. Here is a link to her website . Wonderful to hear you enjoy the hula events in Hawaii! I was also a hula dancer - both professionally and competitively. I miss Hawaii very much! Hope to share its magic with others through Lomi Lomi.
  • Billie Menier

    I have not taken a class on Lomi Lomi but I plan to one day. I think that it is a beautiful form of massage.
  • robin

    I hope to take a class soon. Where are you? Keep me in mind when you offer the class

  • Jeanne Riley

    Hello Barbara, Thanks for the hello and the information on the class schedule from your site. An associate of mine convinced me to take a class in Lomi Lomi Hot Stones with her. I had mentioned I would like to add hot stones to my training and she found Carrie Rowell was offering a Hawaiian Hot stones class (as well other LomiLomi classes and retreats). In preparing for the class I decided to find a therapist offering LomiLomi and have a treatment myself. It was wonderful. I felt wonderful for days. I really enjoyed the class as well and am really looking forward to learning more. I'll watch for your classes. Carrie was a fabulous teacher, but I find it is beneficial to take classes from different people as well because everyone has different experiences and perspectives to share.
  • Jeanne Riley

    Hi Barbara, I love to take classes and learn new things from others. I have already taken a number of classes this year though and have exhausted my training budget for right now. I did add your site to my favorites page so I can keep it in mind when I am ready to sign up. If business picks up enough at the end of summer, I might sign up.
  • Wiebke Ke'ala Daniels

    Aloha Barbara,

    I've had little success commenting on this website...some sort of computer glitch...perhaps my co-worker Chelsea Tau'a can help with that. You might know her as she also has been trained by Maka'ala and teaches his style (besides being an IT person). I'll write more if I can actually send this e-mail ;) Blessings, Wiebke
  • Sandy Gerhardt

    Aloha Barbara,
    Thanks for contacting me. I look forward to learning about Lomi Lomi. I will visit your website. Thank you again. Sandy
  • stephnie hansen

    thank you so much