Wilson Jordan

Escalon, CA

United States

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In what year did you enter the profession?
Which modalities do you practice?
Chair Massage

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  • Wilson Jordan

    Welcome to my page. 

    I may have put myself up here a bit prematurely but I feel confident that all will work out just fine. I am only now submitting my paperwork for a license in the state of CA. I held a license in WA from 88 to 2003, off and on. Off and on because I've added other skills to what I previously knew. All toll I've been around Bodywork since 87-88. 
    Now I'm much older and am returning above board and on the grid versus being out of site and off of the grid. Having procured a masters in Ed. with numerous years of teaching and facilitating soft skill learning in the corporate environment I have increased my competencies as a Bodywork-er, and now, I am thoroughly able to explain and share what my hands and eyes are doing, as well as what the body I'm working is doing in numerous areas at one time, in a coordinated fashion.
    I realize what I bring now I could have only imagined years ago. Much has been learned about how to hold and be the gift I am. Years ago, Kinesiology was my favorite subject to teach. Because I taught theory and hands on at the same time. Fun, fun, fun is the best way I can describe it. Then I met a healer who changed how I viewed the body and later how I would expand my view of the body. 
    The body of the patient is interested in results. Doesn't matter really how long it takes as long as the results show up. By results, I mean something noticeable and long lasting. Clients are paying for results and knowing how to support the body to receive what it wasn't willing to give itself is an art because if it is not presented in just the right way the body may opt out of receiving it. 
    This and much more I learned years ago and am now only remembering as I awaken my hands which have been asleep for the past three years. I say hello to everyone.

  • Z. Faith Darby

    Hi Wilson, nice to meet you. I'm glad that you are backing in the healing groove :-).