Boris Prilutsky


Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

What is your website?
Which modalities do you practice?
Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Stone, Sports Massage, Pre-natal Pregnancy Massage, Myofascial Release, Chair Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Lymph Drainage, Medical Massage

Comment Wall:

  • Darcy Neibaur

    Welcome Boris
  • Travis Alligood

    Welcome Boris !
  • Las Vegas Massage In Summerlin


    Hi Mr. Prilutsky!

    Pleasure to meet you as well! Yes, I see you teach here in the Las Vegas area...I had a course scheduled with you back in March (I think) and it was cancelled for some reason.

    I'm a member of the local meet-up group as well.

    Perhaps one of these days we will meet face-to-face!

    Have a great weekend!

  • Stephen Jeffrey

    Hi Boris, welcome to MBP :) am sure you will find many fans of your work here !
  • Holly-Six Star Massage

    Thanks Boris....delighted to be a part and will spread the word...Best, Holly
  • Amanda Cizek

    You bet Boris. I am a friend of yours on Facebook too! I am currently a student at Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy, but have a background in bodywork as a MELT Practitioner (not sure if you know Sue Hitzmann?). I have also studied a bit with Tom Meyers... Ultimately, working with Sue and Tom lead me to school as I wanted to be able to get my hands on.

    I will definitely recommend your group. I look forward to great discussions!

  • Rick Johnson

    Thanks Boris, I'm sure I can learn a lot from you. I love your vids on U-Tube.I've also studied Oleg Bouimer's Russian Sports Massage and notice some similarities in style.
  • Allan J Jones

    Hey Boris...thanks for your reply. When I studied Osteopathy in Australia a fellow classmate was also from Russia. He had a doctorate that wasnt fully accepted even though he had served in the military medical units. He was and is a great friend and I hope we can be too,.
    Cheers mate
  • Z. Faith Darby

    Thank you very much Boris. I look forward to learning and sharing. I have not had formal sports massage training, so I look forward to the many sports massage techniques that you offer. I will tell my colleagues about your group as well. To Your Holistic Health!! I remain.
  • Catherine Roe

    Thank you for your message Boris and for all the experience and knowledge you bring to the group. I was thinking at some stage to do a sport massage diploma, may be you can help?
  • Catherine Roe

    Thank you Boris, I had a look at your website and I am interested in your course and DVD - I'd like to see more of the videos before I order.
  • Cami Sutton

    Hi Boris,

    I would love to have Massage Educators attend my party/event at the Hyatt. Last year we had vendors and educators. This year a little more low key but with a lot more table cross-training time and demonstrations.
  • Cami Sutton

    Hi Boris,

    All LMT's are invited to this Massage Spa Party. Great way to meet others in this industry.

    When: Saturday Evening August 21st at 6 pm.

    Where: Hyatt Regency Downtown Riverfront 225 Coast Line Drive East Hospitality Suite 4108 Jacksonville, Fl 32202.

    Bring your massage table and dish for a potluck. We will dim the lights with Party Lite and Scentsy wickless candles. Sheets, cleaners and everything else will be provided by the Hyatt and Body Tech Massage Spa Services.

    Sponsored by the Hyatt Regency and Body Tech Massage Spa Services. All LMT's are invited free of charge. Please RSVP

    Good foods, meet others in the industry, give and receive bodywork, and cross-train.

    Hope to see you there! If you have any further questions you can call or email me.

    Cami Sutton
    Direct: (904) 655-2464
  • Cami Sutton

    I am also looking for demonstrators. So this could also be a great way to promote your CE classes. I would love to see you there! If you can't make it I understand. If you know of other that would like to attend please pass my info on.

    Thank you!

    Cami Sutton
    Direct: (904) 655-2464
  • Cami Sutton

    Hi Boris,

    I viewed your website and think you have some great educational materials that I would love to help you promote. Check out my website I am currently operating in Jacksonville Fl but I have been planning the last few years to open in other territories. I am very big with the local and surrounding hotels. We work with many of them directly on a corporate level. We attract a lot of business travelers that primarily book massage for relief of tension, headaches, stress from traveling, and other problems associated with traveling a lot.

    Take a look at these two links...

    This link I can place your information and it will be displayed to the public.

    This link is a landing page that is linked from all my LMT's "Professional Page" (their personal page to view their appointments & commissions etc, etc.). This landing page offers products and services from companies I team up with at a group or discounted rate. Is that something you would be interested in?

    Right now I only have the Jacksonville territory operating but we are getting ready to start expanding so there could be some potential sales for you. In time I would also like to have group (my team) CE classes.

    If you are interested please send me your URL link, and the content you would like displayed. I will copy and paste. If you have a logo and/or a photo I could also place it with your content. On the landing page I do ask to offer our LMT's some sort of discount and directions on how to place their orders.

    Interested? If this is something you would like to do please email your logo, photo and content to

    Thank you, and I hope this can help your sales.

    Cami Sutton
    Body Tech
    Professional Mobile
    Massage Spa Services
    Reservations: (866) 438-8495
    Direct: (904) 655-2464
  • Cami Sutton


    At the event I could also put some promotional materials out for all the LMT's to view. This year I am not promoting as much and I anticipate a smaller group. So far I have a total of about 30 that have RSVPed.

    If you decide you would like to send some materials, you can send them to my office and Richard Lancaster who is my Director of Operations. We would need them by August 20th.

    Ship to...
    Body Tech
    Attention: Richard Lancaster
    1429 West 16th Street
    Jacksonville, Fl 32209

    Thank you!

    Cami Sutton
  • Robert Thomas Parker

    Hi Boris:

    Good to meet you. My preferred e-mail is and
    my website is Hope we have further conversations.

    Peace, Bob
  • Cami Sutton

    Hi Boris,

    I'm writing you back but sending it to your email address.


  • Stephen Jeffrey

    Hi Boris, thankyou for your comments on the energy work thread. Your comment" with or without complete understanding of its microcosmic nature" is very welcome and inline with most therapists on here who will continue to practice energy work with or without the support of the scientific community.

    Their have been many bitterly debated threads regarding the use of energy work by massage therapists on MBP that has hopefully led to a greater understanding between those for and against its use.
  • Victor Lopez

    Thanks Boris for the invite, I look forward to sharing with you. Great stuff!

    All in wellness,
  • Viktor Bek

    I tried searching on internet for " vascular diseases protocol professors Zabludovsky" and didn't find much.
    where should I look to find more?
    Do you have someone working with you who has grant proposal writing skills?
    There should be at least 3 places where you might want to look for funding on project like this specially since there's already some data (???)
    What do you think of Paul Standley work / publications any use ?
    I am right now doing some "footwork"/ "quality control " for Dr T. Findley so if I can help feel free to bounce ideas....
  • Zhang Yu

    Hello,to share the China Child Massage and heal many diseases.
    Zhang Yu
  • Bobby Baniasadi

    Thank you for adding me Boris, I'm sad to hear that you no longer own ippt that was a great school...

    Do you have seminars still?
  • Anna Lageröf

    thankd for accepting me. If you come by Sween some time please contact me Anna
  • Wilson Jordan


    I'm wanting to know what I can expect in California with billing to insurance companies. What makes it flow the smoothest. I've been in the field for 20 years but mostly in WA where all insurance billing was simple and easy. What does the insurance company want or is it easier to have the client pay me and I write them a bill for their insurance company. In WA this was not needed either. thanks

  • Wilson Jordan

    okay thanks; and are you in Cali. also i'm in the process of answering your other question

  • Therese Schwartz

    Hi Boris, I'm sorry I missed your friend request.  I have no idea how to properly use social media sites! :)  Thanks for all of your contributions to this site - I have learned a lot from you!

  • Therese Schwartz

     I thought you'd like to know that my massage therapist has a couple of your instructional videos/DVD's and is impressed with what you do!