Carl W. Brown


Walnut Creek, CA

United States

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  • Ariana Vincent, LMT, MTI, BCTMB

    Dear Carl - Thanks so much for sharing your uplifting attitude toward truly living the philosophy that EveryBody Deserves A Massage! Warmly, Ariana Vincent, Ariana Institute,

    Ariana there was no need to thank me for doing the EveryBody Deserves A Massage event at Rossmoor, I enjoyed it toughly. I am also a Hospice volunteer and volunteer for a healing night twice a month. I think that it is important that people have access to bodywork even if they cannot afford it. I also think it is important to educate the public that there are many forms of bodywork not just massage. The best way to understand the different types of bodywork is through experience.
  • Zhang Yu

    Hello,to share the China Child Massage and heal many diseases.
    Zhang Yu