Bianca Neuhof


Collingwood, Victoria, Australia


Profile Information:

In what year did you enter the profession?
Which modalities do you practice?
Swedish Massage, Pre-natal Pregnancy Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Lomi Lomi

Comment Wall:

  • Daniel Cohen

    Hello welcome to the site. I see you do pre-natal and lomi lomi. What type of lomi lomi do you do?: Did you learn opu huli and do you use it for prenatal?

  • Daniel Cohen

    If you have a chance to learn Opu Huli it is great for pregnancy from helping the infertile to become fertile to stabilizing a troubled pregnancy to helping avoid prolapse after birth. A woman will be giving birth soon who 8 months ago was having contractions and the placenta would not stretch to allow growth. In the middle of the session she stopped contracting. She has come in every two weeks since as they stop for 10-14 days. Now the doctor says the baby isn't dropping which she laughed about and came in last week to tell me to let it drop now, lol.
    I like the Temple Style for my own relaxation and am looking forward to the Hawaii-Festival in Chiemgau, Germany in June to get as many for myself as I can. Since each family in Polynesia has there own style of Lomi Lomi there is a lot of variety. Being so close to New Zealand perhaps you can learn other forms.