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Brainstorming ideas on how to raise money for the Massage Therapy Foundation


OK, so I recently had a  clickfest around the MTF website and got a wave of guilt.


They have a list on the site of contributors to the MTF last year and my name isn't on it.  There's a reason for that.  I didn't give them anything.


Most people already know that the MTF is involved in providing grants for research, but they do much more than that.  They provide therapeutic massage to people in need, education and provide us with a free open access journal. 


So I was thinking of ways in which I could give.  I could just write them a check, but I was also thinking of maybe doing something cool once a quarter and giving the proceeds to the MTF while providing massage too. 

They have some information on different ways people can donate on their site (CE providers can donate proceeds from a class, for example), but I was just wondering if anyone had some interesting ideas on what we can do in our businesses.


I know that a lot of people got involved in helping raise money for Haiti and maybe this is the wrong time to throw this on the board, but I'm doing it anyway! 




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Replies to This Discussion here's an idea that I "thought" would work on another site, but it didn't.
Over on the dark side of the force, the science site (that was a joke, by the way), they have a wee app where you can donate to the Massage Therapy Foundation. So before I left on vacation, I posted a discussion about "Wouldn't it be cool if we could raise $500 for the MTF BEFORE the May conference?" So I kicked it off with a $30 donation and thought that others would contribute.
So what happened? Not a dang thing.

So what I'm thinking is that those on THIS site of Harrison Ford and Chewbacca niceness could show those pesky sciencey folks that we're actually more generous than them (I know, I know - there's big overlap on the members of the sites, but it would be kind of funny if it could be done from this site!).

So. We don't have a fancy smancy thermometer thingy on this site, but if you want to donate $10 or so, I reckon we can HIT that $500 mark in no time since there are SOOOO many members on this site.

What do you say?
You can donate here. (at the bottom of the page)
If you have donated, just pop on to this thread and let us know how much - I'll keep a running total.
So this is a reminder for anyone that is planning on donating quarterly.

REMINDER: It's the last day of March.....just in case!
This is just an idea from my pea sized brain, but in terms of attracting funds hows about this.

The MTF employs some brilliant web designers and article writers. They do their thing and produce some amazing stuff that those MTs that sign up and donate a fixed annual fee can down load and print off having customised by adding their own pictures, addresses, etc etc. These web/data downloads would be regularly updated by specailists in their feilds ????

This would offer those putting their hands in their pockets a return and more funds and traffic to the MTF site..........or does this make it a bisiness that infringes charitable status ect???

There's a good idea in their somewhere :)
Cheers, Stephen.
Can you elaborate a bit more on your idea?

I think web promotion is a good thing. And I think we're sort of thinking along the same lines in that using the web to the utmost is a good thing. Are you talking about getting research info in leaflets/trifolds etc? Customization for each donator might take up a lot of time - unless you're talking about having the customization added through a user interface online?

If there was a generic 'I have donated" or "I support the MTF" badge or little flash app, it might work so that we can add it to our websites and blogs. I'm going to be talking to some of the MTF folks next week, so I'll mention something along these lines. But if you let me know more about what you're thinking, I could mention that too.

One thing I have done is on my "about me" page I have a section at the bottom for massage therapists (since LMTs check out other MT sites) and I've got a blurb on there about the importance of the MTF and I supply a link to their site. That's an easy addition that everyone could add on to their site.
I'm including information on "RISE here". This is a communication from Ruth Werner which has some content which I hope you will find interesting if you haven't already seen it. I hope everyone will donate the extra $20 this year:

"The year 2010 marks some important transitions for all of us. A big one for me is stepping into the presidency of the Massage Therapy Foundation (MTF). But an even bigger one is that our Foundation is celebrating its 20th birthday!

I invite you to celebrate this remarkable milestone with us. Our 20th Anniversary theme is a buoyant one—RISE: Research, Inspiration, Service, Education.

RESEARCH: Since its inception in 1993 the Massage Therapy Foundation has funded 36 pilot research studies that explore the science and practice of massage. This has made a profound impact on the world of massage therapy research.

INSPIRATION: You are our inspiration. Since 1992 you have donated over $1,850,000 to our cause. Thank you for your investment in our future.

SERVICE: Since 1993, we have funded 65 Community Service projects that bring the power of massage to people in need. These projects have served a multitude of populations, including seniors, children, those living with HIV/AIDS, and the homeless. You have helped to spread goodwill through the power of touch.

EDUCATION: Through our case report contests, the International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and the “Teaching Research Literacy” program, we have helped students and practitioners become more research literate. Your thirst for knowledge is our driving force.

The Massage Therapy Foundation creates and maintains programs that advance the profession of massage therapy through scientific research, education, and community service. Your support has made all of this possible: it simply can’t happen without you. So on behalf of all massage therapists who directly and indirectly benefit from Foundation programs, I thank you with all my heart.

We intend to continue our important work, and we hope you will continue to support it. In that spirit, I invite you to RISE to the occasion with a special gift to our once-in-a-lifetime RISE Campaign. We would love to see our MTF friends donate an extra 20 for 20 this year: $20 for our 20th Anniversary. If you are moved to invite your friends and colleagues to become donors as well, a $20 donation honoring our 20th anniversary is a perfect introduction to the Foundation. When our regular Annual Giving Campaign rolls around in the fall and we ask for your annual contribution, I will update you on what we plan to accomplish with those additional funds. You can make your special donation online today at

Our work depends on you. We are your Massage Therapy Foundation. Many thanks, and all best wishes for a safe and prosperous 2010.

Ruth Werner, LMP
Hi Vlad unless you're talking about having the customization added through a user interface online?
yes I was.

.....I suppose bottom line I'm thinking yes donating is great and most of us aren't wanting anything in return, but where's my MTF polo shirt, badge, etc, Vlad whens your birthday ? I'd like to send you a card via the MTF site.

If you sit and think about it, there's no end of things, never mind websites leaflets etc that could be tastefully done/customised to generate cash and internet traffic via MTF.

Like I said, so long as it doesn't effect charitable status etc.....shouldn't do, should it ?

Could be a job for MBP marketing group :) then professional advice.

Vlad said:
Cheers, Stephen.
Can you elaborate a bit more on your idea? I think web promotion is a good thing. And I think we're sort of thinking along the same lines in that using the web to the utmost is a good thing. Are you talking about getting research info in leaflets/trifolds etc? Customization for each donator might take up a lot of time - unless you're talking about having the customization added through a user interface online?

If there was a generic 'I have donated" or "I support the MTF" badge or little flash app, it might work so that we can add it to our websites and blogs. I'm going to be talking to some of the MTF folks next week, so I'll mention something along these lines. But if you let me know more about what you're thinking, I could mention that too.

One thing I have done is on my "about me" page I have a section at the bottom for massage therapists (since LMTs check out other MT sites) and I've got a blurb on there about the importance of the MTF and I supply a link to their site. That's an easy addition that everyone could add on to their site.
I'll mention your ideas to a couple of the MTF folk next week, Stephen.
I think I know the type of thing you want, but it might be a big undertaking.

Thanks for putting your thinking cap on!
Hmmm..... thinking about it I would be v supprized if they have not looked into this previously ......anyway its got to be worth reviewing.

Vlad said:
I'll mention your ideas to a couple of the MTF folk next week, Stephen.
I think I know the type of thing you want, but it might be a big undertaking.

Thanks for putting your thinking cap on!

 Its a year since Rosemary (flat vlad) started this thread and given the dire mudslinging on this site recently (guilty as charged) I thought I should ressarect this thread as a becon of light (LOL) to those unnaware of the MTF aims and ambitions.

Ok, ok  I did not 10x my initial donation, but I did double it:) , and this year I hope to double it again.  


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