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Form must have stopped working. Will post questions and follow-up questions here, so others may view and contribute also. I think non-moderated questioning/answering will answer things more thoroughly anyways. It would always make me wonder, what idea may not make it to the forum and I feel no association of membership should start a process that way.
Hi Laura,
After several questions failed to be posted or answered at the above mentioned page, I will post comments here. This censorship was my fear with a moderated site.
Hi Liz,
There are many folks writing and wanting to see the NCB BOK. Please post the location for that.
ABMP and AMTA have both said the best test is MBLEx.
Is your lost of revenue causing NCB to create another revenue source through advanced certification? You said this effort goes back to 1997. Why now is this being pushed to this degree, voluntary or not? The fact that NCB is suing states, making them retain the NCB tests, even when they do not want them, makes me wary of your reasons for this, now.
I don't think they are censoring. Bert and your comments both appear on the NCB website. I moderate the comments on my own blog, and I have never refused to print an answer from someone just because they disagreed with me. There are the spammers out there which is the reason I moderate.
Mike Hinkle said:Hi Laura,
After several questions failed to be posted or answered at the above mentioned page, I will post comments here. This censorship was my fear with a moderated site.
Hi Liz,
There are many folks writing and wanting to see the NCB BOK. Please post the location for that.
ABMP and AMTA have both said the best test is MBLEx.
Is your lost of revenue causing NCB to create another revenue source through advanced certification? You said this effort goes back to 1997. Why now is this being pushed to this degree, voluntary or not? The fact that NCB is suing states, making them retain the NCB tests, even when they do not want them, makes me wary of your reasons for this, now.
Hi Laura,
Please note I didn't say I thought they would censor my questions, just that they would not appear until moderated and I saw no reason why they would not publish it. I made the entry late at night so did not expect an answer until this afternoon or even tomorrow.
Also I might add I am a member of the NCB. My questions were not meant to disrespect the NCB, rather they were meant to bring to their attention issues I feel they need to address if they expect to continue to play a key roll for massage therapy professionals.
The comments regarding their testing for 'advanced certification' stemmed from the original NCBTMB test I took here in MO. Frankly I found the test to be more about the ability to take a test of that nature than about measuring KSA achievement. I don't say this lightly. I did very well on the test, but the questions were asked using unnecessarily confusing language. Years ago I held a securities license. The securities tests were infamous for attempting to confuse rather than measure, and my experience confirmed they were. The NCBTMB test was much worse in using confusing language. Things like, "If X were not true which of the following would you not do" were rampant throughout the test. The double use of 'not' is meant to be confusing. A question measuring any specific KSA can be asked in straightforward language. Furthermore, the possible answers were often only valid if you made additional assumptions that were not included in the question. As the old man said "It Depends" (on omitted factors).
If the NCB wants to have an 'advanced certification' welcomed it is important that they make crystal clear what the KSA'a are for that certification and test, and make the Body Of Knowledge they are working with be available to all. If it is to be based on the 'input' of 7000 therapist's then the input used for that BOK should be made available. Otherwise it would be better to base the KSA's on specific material (books) that are available for anyone to see. There should be no mystery about the material used to determine 'advanced certification'. Otherwise we are still kept in the dark. I choose the light and enlightenment.
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