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ok...i've redesigned my card and logo and am really happy with how it came out. and of course welcome all feedback.

in designing a card (and then subsequent collateral) you want your "look" to immediately capture the attention of your target market. for me I want to work with athletes/fitness clients as well as relaxation clients. the biggest stumbling block was trying to incorporate both imagery into one look. when we think of relaxation we think candles, oils, someone on the table completely relaxed. when we think athletic a completely different image comes to mind. so my goal was to incorporate both.

as for colors...i am a true believer that your color scheme should respresent your spirit. i love warm colors and earthy tones.

as for should be clear, concise and organized.

so fire away at me...on my card as well as post up yours if you'd like me to give a suggestion or two. :)

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Hi Lisa,

Your card is really beautiful...I especially like the pictures which give a visual message of who you are and what you do. It also invoked a smell association for me of the great scents from essential oils used in my last massage! That is pretty amazing to me, totally unexpected and very pleasant.
I like it a lot. It is simple yet tells enough information. The graphics are enticing but not overdone.
thanks Liz and Nate...

i'm not seeing anyone elses!! *clears throat* :)
Neat card!
Green represents growth, reds and white are stand out colors to draw attention. Looks very nice Lisa.

Everyone in my office uses the same card, with their own name on it.
Mine is from vista print. I'm looking to get a new one, so I'll have to ask your opinion later.
Hi Lisa - I had another thought...I don't see an address on your card and am just curious as to why you decided not to add it?
i didn't put my address on it, because i don't actually have a location. i have an office within home as well as offer to go to their homes. so i don't want my address readily available for anyone. (granted they could always google my address) I figure this way i am in contact with new clients first and can get a feel for them and the legitimacy of them wanting a professional massage BEFORE i'm offering up my home. i also have a version of my card with JUST my email. that one i use to post up on forums where i'm looking to get clientelle from.

Liz said:
Hi Lisa - I had another thought...I don't see an address on your card and am just curious as to why you decided not to add it?
My address is not on my cards either. Just cell phone number and email address. That is all that is necessary. I agree, once I talk to them and get a feel, than give out my home address.

Lisa said:
i didn't put my address on it, because i don't actually have a location. i have an office within home as well as offer to go to their homes. so i don't want my address readily available for anyone. (granted they could always google my address) I figure this way i am in contact with new clients first and can get a feel for them and the legitimacy of them wanting a professional massage BEFORE i'm offering up my home. i also have a version of my card with JUST my email. that one i use to post up on forums where i'm looking to get clientelle from.

Liz said:
Hi Lisa - I had another thought...I don't see an address on your card and am just curious as to why you decided not to add it?
Marissa Macias said:
Mine is from vista print. I'm looking to get a new one, so I'll have to ask your opinion later.

This is my card from Vista represents the color of my Massage Studio! I mention on my card also, to visit my website, this way they can get to know more about the therapist on their own, considering I work still part time building my Massage Clients. So this card works for me while I work a job! :)

Well i use like three or four differet, but here I put two.
P.S. your card is awsome, i love your logo.

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