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LMT accused of raping a special needs woman... a crying shame.

I don't know how I feel about posting this but I thinks its importaint to share.

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It turns my stomach. Now many women will think twice about havng a male therapist work on them.
Oh my God! I was impressed, had heard of cases of alleged massage therapists who passed the line of professional, but never figured it would take to the press. Even more I was impressed as has been on behalf of Massage Envy, I've seen many posting from the company in Massage Magazine. Such situations bring very bad advice. Also I agree with Mr. Paul Situations this kind of situation bring trouble for massage therapists, in this case men. My clients are usually women, and news like this, it creates a bad impression to those women who can read or see my promotions of massage therapy. Very unfortunate this news
Thanks for posting. I had not heard!
I am glad to hear this woman spoke up and didn't allow him to get away with this.

So sad and disturbing as we work so hard to keep this professional and avoid these types of allegations.

I hope Massage Envy and other employers do better checks on their staff in the future.

Personally, I can see how people would now avoid a massage by a male.

Male Therapists maybe you should write some sort of collaborative article to put out there . You unfortunately get a bad rap in general.
So many individuals fear a male therapists and that is too bad, as I know many highly skilled and professional male therapists.
The Massage Envy that I work at did a full and complete background check on me. Also, we have cameras in all the PUBLIC
areas of our center, and outside the building as folks are walking in. Too bad they cannot be put in the massage rooms. We have had clients refuse to come once they find out we have cameras in the public areas.
Why?, all stores have it, shopping centers and It's not the first time I heard about it at Salon and Spa.

Darcy Neibaur said:
The Massage Envy that I work at did a full and complete background check on me. Also, we have cameras in all the PUBLIC
areas of our center, and outside the building as folks are walking in. Too bad they cannot be put in the massage rooms. We have had clients refuse to come once they find out we have cameras in the public areas.
Clients who refuse to come knowing the cameras are in the public areas are clients we do not want. Their motives may not be pure. It is not always about the LMT. Sometimes it is the client. Remember all are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law Based On The Evidence. The kicker is: BASED ON THE EVIDENCE.
i don't think men have it any worse. just different. women therapists have to worry about being attacked. in the end there are always going to be bad apples in any profession. one story does not make a profession. :)
I serve on our state massage board, and unfortunately have participated in many disciplinary hearings of MTs who have been accused of sexual and other offenses.

In one case, a woman accused a male therapist of inserting his finger into her. He admitted it right away and said that he thought she was sexually excited.

In another case, the client stated she had drifted off to sleep on the massage table and woke to find the therapist performing oral sex on her. He had been in practice for more than 35 years. Poof--a life's work and his license gone in an instant. The stories I have about this are endless.

In ten years, we have only had one woman accused of a sexual offense. I'm sure there are plenty more out there who act unethically, but men aren't so quick to come forward to complain about a woman who's throwing sex their way.

There have been times when I didn't think the accused was guilty; there are 7 people on our Board and all it takes is a majority vote. I've been in the position of being at odds with the rest of them, and it's a terrible feeling to think that someone's license has been unfairly taken away. It all comes down to who makes the more credible witness.

We all want to believe that everyone who comes into massage therapy is going to act ethically. Unfortunately, there are some among us who thought it would be a good way to meet an endlessly fresh crop of victims, and sometimes they get away with it for years before anyone complains about them.
They must have heard you , Gloria! Take a look at this Coppola said:
Thanks for posting. I had not heard!
I am glad to hear this woman spoke up and didn't allow him to get away with this.

So sad and disturbing as we work so hard to keep this professional and avoid these types of allegations.

I hope Massage Envy and other employers do better checks on their staff in the future.

Personally, I can see how people would now avoid a massage by a male.

Male Therapists maybe you should write some sort of collaborative article to put out there . You unfortunately get a bad rap in general.
So many individuals fear a male therapists and that is too bad, as I know many highly skilled and professional male therapists.
I had heard that, but I heard it under the name of "Everest University" which I didn't realize was their parent company. I have done consulting work for them in the past...I created the final exam that they give their students and my P&S Guide is a required book in their chain of 100+ schools. The exam I did for them contains 1500 questions---way more than what they're going to see on any licensure or certification exam. It blew me away while I was working on it that they devote so much to nutrition--I had to do a lot of research to create that part of it. They go way beyond what's covered in most schools.

Mike Hinkle said:
They must have heard you , Gloria! Take a look at this Coppola said:
Thanks for posting. I had not heard!
I am glad to hear this woman spoke up and didn't allow him to get away with this.

So sad and disturbing as we work so hard to keep this professional and avoid these types of allegations.

I hope Massage Envy and other employers do better checks on their staff in the future.

Personally, I can see how people would now avoid a massage by a male.

Male Therapists maybe you should write some sort of collaborative article to put out there . You unfortunately get a bad rap in general.
So many individuals fear a male therapists and that is too bad, as I know many highly skilled and professional male therapists.
What makes it difficult is there are therapists crossing the line and there are clients making false accusations and you may never know the things for sure, there is a stigma of guilt with any accusation toward a therapist. Even if innocent, you will never be treated the same again!
Paul, has there been any follow up?

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