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Views: 463
It is most likely that I am not alone. I think that there are a lot of us "body-workers" out here being pulled along in a little tug boat by the big bad barge. I'm going to semi-quote Laura Allen when I say that I feel like a kindergarten student in a room full of college professors. I "know" what my hands tell me and I "know" what my clients tell me. To sit back and take it apart and question all the variables is mind-boggling. We are often taught that "intuition" is key in this field. However, when you take the intuition variable out of the equation what are you left with? Training, yes. But what are the guiding principles behind the training? Keep it coming, Professors, we are all ears... or eyes, slowly glazing over, as the case may be. ;)
Christopher A. Moyer said:Marissa, your post was much too modest. :) I'm glad you made it though. It lets us know that maybe there are some folks who are just reading, in addition to the folks like myself who keep on posting (and posting, and posting...)
Stephen- this is where it gets interesting! I am "open" to many different things, whether they be powered by science or by woo-woo. I do have to state though that I do not practice any woo-woo. :) Not because I don't believe that it is out there or that it doesn't work for others. Simply for the fact that I don't understand it. As previously stated, if it comes to fruition that a specific therapy is the end all cure all, are we all going to jump on board? For me, because I don't understand certain therapies, it would be unethical and irresponsible to jump on that band wagon. I'm mixing my metaphors, sorry. Example: CST. I have had crash course training with this treatment. I can feel the "pulse" as it travels and I can, usually, detect areas of past trauma and immediate concerns. However, I do not practice CST, because it baffles me. Guided Imagery: I excelled at this in my training. Taking someone out of their skin into a place of peace and security..... sounds great, gives me the willies. :) I think that the client/therapist interaction is not going to be able to be scientifically dissected. There are too many unknowns. But I am open to hearing about other studies/cases that have been proven or disproved. In a previous post Chris said to me that we don't have to "go to war" on these issues. I'm simply interested in the workings of things. Like anatomy... we figure things out by picking them apart! :)
Vlad said:42
"It is no coincidence that in no known language does the phrase 'As pretty as an Airport' appear." -D.A.
(hex - and there's a bug in it - good job I changed careers)
(Robin - I'm totally confused as to what a "meep" is since urban dictionary gives a strange possible meaning for it, but I think I want to hang on to mine )
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