Hi everyone,
I don't get to this forum very often, but I've been surfing around on it today and noticed my previous reply to a discussion about whether or not to accept credit cards. I recommended Cellcharge, which I have used for the past 6 years, but noticed someone else recommending Charge America.
My question is this: Back in April, I received an email from Trustwave telling me that I needed to take a survey to become PCI compliant. I called Sage payments, the company Cellcharge partners with, and they confirmed my need to complete this survey.
Here's my problem: I never received a notice regarding the fee that I would incur by taking this survey. Sage states that they mailed them out with everyone's monthly statements prior to April, but as a Cellcharge merchant, I don't get mailed statements. Cellcharge depends on us using their "Virtual Reports" to access our statements ourselves. On a side note, I never even knew about that until I called Cellcharge in April to confirm what Sage told me.
When I accessed my online banking to look at my checking account, I noticed a withdrawal of $58.99, the normal $8.99/mth fee + $50 which once I called Sage, I learned was the fee charged to become PCI compliant.
Has anyone else who uses Cellcharge had a problem receiving communications from them or Sage and have you taken this survey too?
Does anyone using Charge America know if this is also something that they are doing, I was told it is required if you want to continue accepting credit cards, no matter what type of business you are.
I emailed Charge America to ask them about this, but would appreciate any input you all can give.
I am not dissatisfied with using Cellcharge, and will continue to accept credit/debit cards in my business, but have been dissatisfied with theirs and Sage's lack of communication with me to notify me of these types of things.
Thanks so much!