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I have been in business for over 5 years and practicing massage for over 7 years.  My specialty has always been deep tissue work.  I built a clientele in only 3 years and have been a full time therapist since I started practicing (having never had another job or need for one)  I have just started hiring more therapists in my spa and feel like nothing ever goes the right way.  Today I had a client complain about my massage.  The massage was a deep tissue, and originally on the schedule with my newest therapist who has been practicing only one month at the spa, but due to a scheduling conflict was changed around.  What we didn't know was his daughter had just seen our new therapist and sent him in on a referral. Neither of the clients had ever been to see me before. There was no note in the appointment showing that it was a special request so the appointment was moved (obviously our staff's first mistake we identified)  When I greeted him and took him back he didn't say anything about having requested a specific provider but I did note that he was giving me some strange looks.  I asked a few basic questions about pressure and his occupation and then let him relax in peace(less than 5 minutes).  Trouble was his phone went off every 10 minutes or so leading him to make a comment about it each time.  He also fell asleep 2 or 3 times and was snoring.    The complaint was as follows (from his wife who called in a few hours later)  The therapist talked to much, didn't do a deep enough pressure and wasn't the therapist that was requested during the phone call.  During the massage I asked about pressure and when deeper pressure was applied, he told me it was too hard, so I gave slight adjustments to it and asked again to be sure that it was right, told yes.  I realize that you cannot please everyone but just looking for feedback on what you would have done given this situation.

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This whole event was mishandled due to a lack of communication about the fact that he had requested a specific therapist. I personally would be comping a session with the therapist of his original choice. He had a bad taste in his mouth from the first moment because he didn't get the therapist he was expecting. When rescheduling needs to happen, giving people the courtesy of a phone call to ask if they mind having a different therapist or if they prefer to reschedule with their original choice is just good business--but since it wasn't communicated to you that it was a referral you did what you thought was right.


I use a code "new ref" in our appointment book so that all my staff members know that's what the situation is.


Massage Gnome said:

Thank you everyone. The question I am trying to resolve is in regard to the compensation.  When a customer complains like this is it normal to offer them something in our business or do we simply say oops sorry it won't happen again.
Right.  And the problem happened because my staff didn't use our code to document that it was a request client.  We have all the policies in place the trouble is enforcing it.  Employee's don't always care about the consequences of not following the rules we have in place but all of them have been told to do these things.  I agree with you tho.  He had a bad taste in his mouth right from the moment he arrived.  Even when I said I would comp his next session I am not so sure that his wife passed on the message to him so I plan on sending a letter with a GC inside to be sure that he knows.

 I am puzzled in that the wife complained rather than the husband who had the massage from your and you clearly stated that you adjusted the pressure and only asked him a few times about pressure you used and wasn't having a conversation with him. This to me is not talking too much and you stated he found the pressure too hard and you lightened it..unlike what the wife said which was that you didn't do deep enough pressure.

I think under the circumstances you did your job correctly and that if anything you should have been talking to the husband who had the service rather than the wife who didn't. Sometimes people are not a good fit, the energy just dosn't seem right, sometimes there are unscruplulous clients just want to get a free massage and by complaining, they can get one frequently.

If the client was on the schedule with the newest therapist, why did it get switched? Was this explained to the client when he arrived? Was he called in advance to let him know that the therapist that he requested wasn't going to be available when he came in?

At the place where I work, if we have a scheduling conflict, we call the client or clients involved and ask them if it would be ok to switch them to another therapist or if we can reschedule the time of their massage so that they can see the therapist that they requested.

The front desk didn't mark the request so when the therapist called in sick the client was moved to the next available. It was assumed as a random call in, new client. This client was new to the spa. Never seen anyone there.

Unfortunately the front desk can hurt business more than anything! We have been thru several till we found the one that would do what was needed.


As a rule of thumb at our place. If a client is scheduled with someone, doesn't matter if they are new, random call in or not. If the therapist they were scheduled with is unavailable, it's policy to call the clients to inform them
Chris Reynolds said:

Unfortunately the front desk can hurt business more than anything! We have been thru several till we found the one that would do what was needed.


Good t know

Chris Reynolds said:

As a rule of thumb at our place. If a client is scheduled with someone, doesn't matter if they are new, random call in or not. If the therapist they were scheduled with is unavailable, it's policy to call the clients to inform them
Chris Reynolds said:

Unfortunately the front desk can hurt business more than anything! We have been thru several till we found the one that would do what was needed.


First of all I agree with what other MTs are saying with the fact that you can't make everyone happy.  Second, you don't know that he didn't brag about the massage and just mention those things and his wife fly off the handle.  Third, some people just like to complain to get free stuff/services or discounted stuff/services.

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