massage and bodywork professionals
a community of practitioners
What do you bring to Health Fairs? For me, its the usual handouts; HH forms, informational brochures, list of services, business cards and the occasional giveaway for clients to sign up for.
I do not sell any products at the moment so I was wondering if anyone has any ideas or personal experiences to share that could help bring in more business and possibly get the clients to schedule right there on the before they leave.
Views: 188
I love health fairs. I ran into some difficulty with one group. They said it would be a conflict of interest for me to bring my massage chair but I could participate if I had anything to sell. So I use essential oils with massages, so I decided to feature them along with an accupressure face lift. I also make energy necklaces and explained there benefits and uses. If it had not been for these two products I would not have had the oppertunity to have met over 700 people in my own community and give out bussiness cards and brochures. I had to be inventive.
I also offer $10 off a one hour massage if they book an appointment on the day of health fair. The $10 off expires on the booked day so that the appointment is kept.
I also offer a spa day at health fairs. They can choose a 15 minute accupressure or 20 minute chair massage or 20 minute reflexology treatment. All just a little sample of what I offer.
I have also created a spinning wheel where they have to try and win a certain % off from either product or services. They love playing the game for a chance to win. It keeps them at your booth longer so gives you time to sell yourself.
I love the shows and fairs. You meet a ton of people they get to know you personally.
Hope this helps.
Thank you Michelle and Lori for all of the useful ideas.
I never would have thought about bringing chairs to a health fair, but it does make sense. Many times I have had a line and have noticed people walking away because they found out its going to be 30 min before they will get their massage. As far as the water bottles go, where can I go to invest in some personal labels?
Pushing the clients to schedule after their massage is a huge leak in my post massage conversation. So I am either going to offer a percentage off or go with your idea Lori.
Now with the marketing aspect covered, I feel the need to move on and explore new modalities with the chair. I have heard of a course that will teach you an hour Thai Massage routine on the chair. I don't see many therapists using those techniques at health fairs.
Michelle Batac said:
Hand sanitizer, not just for yourself but the clients too. Perhaps some music playing? Water bottles with your info printed on a label. I did a fair once where I brought folding chairs I had borrowed (padded ones) that I posted a reserved sign on. I brought four, and it was a hit! When they don't have to stand and wait for you, it makes you stand out! I also brought an 'assistant.' I paid my nephew $20 for the day to collect money and schedule people. He would also go around the entire fair to hand out cards and fliers! Let me tell you, he got a bonus because I was so busy! Mind you he was 12 so people really listened to what he had to say, and $20 5 years ago was a lot to him! The flier said something like...tired feet? Lower back bugging you? Stop by the massage tent and let michelle work it out! Hopefully, this helps you out a bit! Have fun!
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