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Anyone offer Spa Parties? Looking for advice on getting started.

I'm looking at starting to offer Spa Parties for both bridal groups and for birthday parties as well. 

Are there any other Spa's offering these services?  What equipment do you use, what has worked for you?  I have a second massage therapist and an esthetician, so I can offer all of the usual services, mani/pedi, facials, massages, makeup.  I'm looking for some advice on getting started so I don't have to completely reinvent the wheel here.


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Your two biggest issues are going to be finding customers and pricing.


Can't help you too much on #1, but the big issue with #2 is people's expectations.


Over 1/2 the calls we get go something like this "I'm interested in a spa party. I see on your website you offer a package with massage, manicure & pedicure and facial for $300. Is that per person"?


when you do find a customer willing to pay the prices worth hauling all of your stuff around town, you then have to deal with the logistics.


90% of the spa party requests will be for Saturday's the busiest day in the spa industry, so it needs to be worth while for everyone to give up a day at another place of employment.


But to find enough people to book 2 or 3 technicians for 4 or 5 services each, you are now talking about a houseful of people who need to be there for 5 - 6 hours. That cuts out a huge swath of the potential market. Most people don't think about the logistincs and think you can do EVERYTHING for EVERYBODY in 2-3 hours -- ALL for $300 total!


We have pretty much gotten out of the spa party business. They are too rare to find a suitable customer and often end up being too big a hassle.


Your mileage may vary...

This is not a mobile thing, but a you come to us sort of thing.  I've also got a partnership with a really nice Inn in town that has a private pool and a really nice cozy backyard and big hosting room.

Thanks for the warning about the pricing.  So far the feelers that I've put out have gotten some good interest. 

How did you work the parties you did do?  What did you take with you?  What types of services did you offer and how long for each?  Did you do the services as an individual thing or some group things?  Did you have the option for refreshments provided or just leave that up to the host?

If they come to you, you need VA Cosmetology Establishment licenses for wherever you are hosting events if you do so on a regular basis.


Refreshments are a pain, and by law you cannot provide alcohol if you are charging -- even at cost -- for it.


We would do anything from a manicure to a 25 min massage or facial all the way to 80 min hot stone massages. We have done a spa day for 1 or 12, all depends on what they want and how much they are willing to pay.


What is in it for the Inn that would host the event?

I already have the Esthetics Spa License so I'm good there.  There is also a special license from the ABC for Day Spa's to legally serve alcohol, which is good to know.  I'm definitely going to apply for that.

As for the Inn and hosting, there would of course be the cost of procuring the location, so an additional fee would be included to have the event at the Inn.  It's also good exposure for the Inn and will increase the target audience for their bookings.

These have been great eye openers for me...keep them coming!

I work for Associated Skin Care Professionals (the sister organization of ABMP, for estheticians) and we had an article on spa party ideas and planning in the magazine about a year ago. Here's a link to the article: The Social Spa. It might give you a few more ideas on services and other things that can be included.

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