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good moring!!! i am not sure if this is the correct place to pose this question so please direct me if it is not. i was wondering if anyone has any advice on the ins and outs of moving to a different state. i live in Texas 550hrs and took the emblex. that being said i dont mind going for more schooling. i am very pasionate about what i do. does anyone know where i can get some info on which city/state would be best for me to move to as a mt? i am in a position where i can move to northern kentucky, west virginia, north carolina, or indiana but i am not closed to moving to a different state if it meets my needs better... thank you!!!!!!

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Personally, I like North Carolina best out of your choices. If you are looking to move somewhere based solely on work, I highly recommend taking a road trip and checking them out personally. If you're looking to move for other reasons, then do the list thing about what each state can offer your needs. I've lived in almost every state in the U.S. but the decision rests on why you want to move and what you are looking for....!


Most states, especially the ones you listed, only require 500 hrs.


Sounds like you have "needs" and what might those be and how would each state on your list meet said "needs"?

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