massage and bodywork professionals

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I had the experience this morning of having one of my comments deleted on a discussion, and then the person who had started that discussion sent me an email about making personal attacks and keeping it friendly.

I would like to state for the record that I did not call anyone or any organization by name, but I did voice my opinion that I was sick and tired of people who act as if therapists who provide Swedish or relaxation massage are not valuable.

I went on to say that plenty of people need stress relief, and many people cannot take a deep tissue massage. I made a few other comments that the person running the discussion apparently found offensive, including my statement that you could call yourself the Pope and there will be 1% of people who still think massage is about sex.

My own clinic is mainly focused on medical massage, but we also have plenty of people who want nurturing, pampering, or whatever you want to call it, and none of the medical massage therapists who work there will refuse to give a relaxation massage if that's what the client wants.

My main blog, The Massage Pundit, which originates on the Massage Magazine website, is usually about the politics of massage. It is also on RSS feed on hundreds of other sites. I am known for being opinionated, and not mincing any words. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and I print the comments I receive from every respondent, whether they agree with me or not. I would not dream of censoring yours or anyone's comments because they disagree with my opinion, or because of the way they state it.

If you'd really like for someone to kick your butt, go over to Bodhi Haraldsson's website on evidence-based massage, and let the scientists over there have at you. There are some real arguments going on there--and no censorship. I'd rather get ripped to shreds by one of them for my opinion than to be prevented from expressing it. They may think by my opinion that I'm a moron, but they still respect my right to express it.

I will go on further and say that the leadership at ABMP, which started this website, personally asked me to blog on here and assured me that I would not be censored. I will not hold them responsible for the fact that one individual deleted a comment, but I will say that censorship, in any form, is not what they had in mind when they started this forum. And that's my sermon for today.

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The way I see it, this site was put here by an individual that cares about the Massage and Bodywork profession, and I will once again thank Lara Evans Bracciante for having this website, as well as Laura Allen for being here and sharing her thoughts. This reply is not about politics, this is about getting educated and Im all for it.
To the person who deleted Laura`s Blob thank you for being here as well however deleting ones oppinion of a discussion does not help others who would love to have read it not everyone shares other opinions that the other feels is correct or incorrect. We are all suppose to be adults here that share the same reason for being here and thats to learn. Well Ill speak for myself I have been here since August and made contacts with people who I share my time with and I hope that the person I communicate with takes what they can out of our discussion and either learn something from it or just forget it and go give/recieve a massage. Im happy to be here and I hope the person who deleted the blob is happy to be here. Life is to short not to be happy.
I get emailed when a new comment of the blog in which your comment was deleted is added. I saw in my email that you had posted and went to look, but alas. No comment from Laura. It confused me for a while until I saw a link you had posted on Facebook pointed me here. Now I get it.

Just yesterday I had been talking about how people on open forums can be rude and without etiquette simply because there aren't any consequences for actions.

Instead of simply responding to your comment and adding to the overall discussion the person decided deleting your comment (which probably had very relevant point) was the best course.

Just wanted to voice my opinion! Glad I know what happened to your comment.
What I've noticed is, it all relates back to what they were taught in massage school and it's hard for some people to look beyond their schooling. I've heard this quote many times: "The more education you have...the dumber you get". I don't totally agree with it, but people tend to take on others beliefs too much and some are not willing to look beyond the massage table. As massage students, they are like sponges and believe most things their instructors tell them and when they get in the real world, they seem to see many other all depends if they can see all the sides to it.

I've seen people get into arguments about what style or technique to use on a client and it all boils down to what actually works for that individual client. My belief is try something and it if doesn't work, then try something else and if this certain style or techniques works, then it might not work for the next client...keep your options open and your mind clear.

Another thing, writing down peoples thoughts/beliefs is totally different than voicing them in person and that's why somebody back in the day invented smileys.

Just posted on FB as well-Thanks for pointing this out and bringing this important conversation to light. You have contributed, and continue to contribute, to the forward motion of our profession on many levels-As George Bernard Shaw commented, “The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship.” We should have zero tolerance for those who would seek to silence the considered opinions of anyone in our community.
No one should be censored if expressing their opinion Laura. Geez, if that were the case I'd go and delete half of these discussions on here that just seem to be repetitive or ridiculous in my opinion!

Laura I never saw your comment that you are speaking about .How would the person who deleted it feel if they had someone do that to them? Totally rude!

I am getting so tired of people thinking they know more than someone else. For heavens sake, can't we play nicely?!
I've dropped away from a few discussions because of this.

Laura I respect your opinions, even if I wouldn't agree, which is rare.

As for people thinking/feeling Swedish or relaxation massage is not as therapeutic, in my opinion they don't know the value of effecting the parasympathetic nervous system. In these times, more people need to relax than have more stimulus provided. I have studied all types of massage. And I am constantly humbled to realize that relaxation /swedish is incredibly powerful.
I have had clients tell me those were the best sessions they "ever" had!

Maybe we all need to re-consider what it is we are doing??? Like Ryan said, The more education, sometimes the dumber we are...not far from the truth.

As far as your comment and massage vs. sex....yes, there will always be someone.

Why is it we focus on this negativity? Why is it we don't feel we get respect? I'm listening to these words (some discussions) on here and it sometimes surprises me as I have not had to deal with this in my profession of almost 25 years.

There are days I can't even read any more of theses discussions . UGH

Travis, I agree, life is too short to not be happy!
Crystal I hear you about the rudeness sometimes
Ryan, love your Smiley!! :)

So to all of us out there - let us give each other respect....then maybe people will respect us for what we do.
That' my sermon Laura ;)

Gloria Coppola said:
No one should be censored if expressing their opinion Laura. Geez, if that were the case I'd go and delete half of these discussions on here that just seem to be repetitive or ridiculous in my opinion!

Laura I never saw your comment that you are speaking about .How would the person who deleted it feel if they had someone do that to them? Totally rude!

I am getting so tired of people thinking they know more than someone else. For heavens sake, can't we play nicely?!
I've dropped away from a few discussions because of this.

Laura I respect your opinions, even if I wouldn't agree, which is rare.

As for people thinking/feeling Swedish or relaxation massage is not as therapeutic, in my opinion they don't know the value of effecting the parasympathetic nervous system. In these times, more people need to relax than have more stimulus provided. I have studied all types of massage. And I am constantly humbled to realize that relaxation /swedish is incredibly powerful.
I have had clients tell me those were the best sessions they "ever" had!

Maybe we all need to re-consider what it is we are doing??? Like Ryan said, The more education, sometimes the dumber we are...not far from the truth.

As far as your comment and massage vs. sex....yes, there will always be someone.

Why is it we focus on this negativity? Why is it we don't feel we get respect? I'm listening to these words (some discussions) on here and it sometimes surprises me as I have not had to deal with this in my profession of almost 25 years.

There are days I can't even read any more of theses discussions . UGH

Travis, I agree, life is too short to not be happy!
Crystal I hear you about the rudeness sometimes
Ryan, love your Smiley!! :)

So to all of us out there - let us give each other respect....then maybe people will respect us for what we do.
That' my sermon Laura ;)
It is a shame when people don’t know the difference between a discussion (even one that includes disagreement) and trashing, dissing, flaming, and other forms of disrespect. I fully support Laura’s right to her position; whether I agree with her or not doesn't matter. Sometimes I have a WTF reaction to someone's post, but I'm smart enough to sit with that while I decide whether to respond or not. I would not delete anyone's comment if I was the administrator of the blog. Totally off the wall comments are usually ignored by all.

I read many blogs every day, most of which are not massage related. Not one of them censors comments. And some of the comments are pretty raw! Let the debate continue and allow the readers learn from each other.
I have seen some on here asked to delete their comments and I have know some to completely disassociate themselves from this site due to the "argumentative nature" of some of the "scientists" ruling said discussions. However, total "jurisdiction" on a public discussion is unacceptable. We all learn by example and it is each person's responsibility to choose which example they should follow. I understand the need to stop something if it goes too far. Example: If in fact we became aware of a "therapist" masquerading as a "therapist" running a prostitution ring. Then yes, boot them out and bring it to the attention of the proper authorities. Deleting a comment that you particularly don't like or agree with is juvenile and disrespectful to your fellow therapists.

Besides, if there was truly something to be censored, then I'm sure the "Powers That Be" or at the very least those that run this site would seek and destroy.

On the other hand, I love to play Devil's Advocate.... Laura, as the outspoken-tell-it-like-it-is-gal you are, I think you should take some personal satisfaction that you were able to ruffle that idiot's feathers so much that they couldn't bear the public scrutiny that would surely commence after your opinion was made public. Rock on sister! Keep on doing what you do! And next time.... Make it truly official and post here where you can only be deleted by yourself or the "PTB".
Hi Laura.

I've also seen a thread on this site, in which I was a very active participant, entirely deleted with no explanation. That's definitely frustrating. I put quite a bit of time and energy into saying some things that I thought were important, and then - poof! Gone.

I am over there Laura, at Bodhi's site. There is censorship there too. They have a member that is not a massage therapist that is promoting a "Pledge". This pledge is very destructive, in my opinion and creates more of the "us vs them attitude" and to me, leads to censorship. It creates a closed mind statute. Yes, it is voluntarily to take or sign, but anyone reading it can see the intent.

There is an effort afoot to separate massage therapists between medical and relaxation. As you know I am trying to bring all the fields together. These divisions are not needed. But EBP has emplaced themselves in key research positions and funds are lacking for all the research that needs done. My fear is energy related people will stop giving funds to research foundations if all the funds go to EBP only. That too is censorship.

I know little of energy work, but I do not believe any, already accepted modality should be quashed, not Swedish or any modality.

When we see anyone trying to stop anyone else from practicing massage in a way that "they" feel is wrong, I think we need to step up and protect their modality, as they should ours. And that's why I am responding. Keep on promoting and criticizing as you do. I have been on both sides of your pen, and I respect both!
Laura, would you mind posting the comment that was considered to be offensive? I'd like to see the discussion in it's context.

I've read so many of your posts over the years, and while some of the comments were direct, specific, asking tough questions, asking for clarification, asking for the logic behind the decision, etc., I've never interpreted anything that you've posted to be of a personal attack. It's simply not your style and I would argue with anyone who said that it was----in fact I have :)

There are some legal implications to posting things which could be considered defamatory (only if they aren't true) and so on, but I'm wondering if the person who censored your comment was simply looking for a platform to state his/her opinion, and if someone posted something that was contrary to that opinion, then it wouldn't help a self-serving post to begin with. In the future, perhaps the person should simply say that "this is my opinion and I'm not interested in hearing anyone else's thoughts??"

At the risk of being slammed from both sides, I'd like to throw out the possible theory that perhaps most of the maladies that people go to allopathic or complementary therapists for are based in stress, either physical, psychosomatic, or otherwise and perhaps step 1 of the massage intervention (after assessment of course) would be to simply try to bring the body back to a homeostatic place----and then the root of the issue could be treated?

Perhaps the person has recently taken a class, been told by their instructor that effective outcomes can only be achieved if there is only a clinical model followed. Maybe the person is trying to justify the expense of taking a course?

I understand, have seen and practiced very specific, clinical based massage---specific to the knee for many, many, many years. I was motivated to do so to treat my own injury, however the other reason was that Swedish massage was just too hard for me! It's quite a bit of work for the therapist, it is not only time-intensive, but labor intensive too!!!!

The massage strokes that we all use are all the same basic movements---the intent, duration, depth, speed, etc., may change, but they are the same......wondering if perhaps the person who censored your comments really meant to ask a different question/make a different statement???? Sure wish I could see this thread--now I'm really interested!

Anyone willing to share the thread??

Christopher A. Moyer said:
Hi Laura.

I've also seen a thread on this site, in which I was a very active participant, entirely deleted with no explanation. That's definitely frustrating. I put quite a bit of time and energy into saying some things that I thought were important, and then - poof! Gone.

Differing opinions make the world go 'round. Can you imagine how boring it would be if everyone always agreed on everything?? Hearing different points of view or opinions that contradict your own thoughts or beliefs should not be taken as insults or offensive, but rather open your mind up to an idea that maybe you have not considered before. It's a way to reflect and evaluate your beliefs, and sometimes change them in light of new information or evidence. How else can you learn new things but to be presented with new information, even if it goes against your initial way of thinking? So, no I don't think there should be all censoring. We're all adults here, I think we can handle some disagreements- and if you don't like it, you don't have to read or agree with it :)

Also, Mike, where have you seen censorship on the science-based site? I read it every day and have not noticed it, though it's quite possible I missed it. Just curious.

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