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Hello, I was just wondering if anyone had any good ideas on how and where to get a chair massage business started. If anyone has a successful business going now do you have any tips.

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Contact local HR departments in businesses in the area. They are great resource to get the ball rolling. A lot of times they are looking to organize employee appreciation days in office. Also you can pitch the benefits of massage and the increase performance post massage.
Hi Kevin,

In response to your question regarding Chair Massage business, two things: 1) I solicited a local barber shop several months ago to do some community work to educate their clients about the benefits of massage. Because the shop is in the inner-city and a neighborhood where these clients may not look to massage as a way to relieve stress, sore muscles and so on, I looked at this as an opportunity, which, turned into a business. Clients began to tip me and so the owner and I discussed how I could make more monery so I offer Chair Massage and charge $1/per grew some more so I am now renting a room in the shop 3 days a week!!! :-)

Secondly, look at the website (if you are a member) for ideas and suggestions on how to grow your business. There are many, many helpful ideas and suggestions. Let me know how it works out for you!
Try some golf courses. I've even done fundraisers with some high school sports teams that have golf outings to raise money. I offer chair massage and give them a percentage. Gets your name out there. Also, check gyms or fitness centers, sports training centers, etc. Some of them might either network with you or let you put your cards at the front desk. Just some ideas.
I just recently started doing chair massage. One idea to let people know about your business is that you can go to different events and charge $1 per minute. You first have to talk to the event coordinator to get their permission first. Just look in the paper and check to see if there are any events going on where you live.
Hi Kevin

I used to bring the chair massage to businesses. Some of the owners would even pay for it or a percentage of it for their employees. Of course you have to market it so they understand the benefits and increased productivity to keep the employees well vs. sick.

Also I have in the past done chair massage at various stores in the mall. For example, the body shop . They would allow me/us set up and have their massage creams etc near a table for us. It helped promote their products and we were able to give massage and gain clients.

I have also seen people have successful chair massage business in airports as well.

Lots of options available

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