massage and bodywork professionals

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I hope everyone sends Ruth Werner, of Layton, Utah a letter of welcome. She is the new President of the Massage Therapy Foundation as of March1, 2010 until Feb. 28, 2012.


I also hope everyone will help the Foundation with a minimum $10 donation or more each year, as they are able. Take homage, in your profession. We need more evidence to base our statements upon and this will come through - research.


Let's get behind Ruth and the Massage Therapy Foundation and help push this industry forward.

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Indeed, a hearty welcome to Ruth. It's exciting that someone so talented and energetic is beginning her term as President.

And, let us give a big 'thank you' and 'job well done' to outgoing President Diana Thompson. The MTF made some great progress under her guidance.

The MTF is fortunate to have such warm and talented people in positions of leadership.
Indeed, Diana Thompson was a God-send and will continue to be a force in the industry. We are honoring Diana, next year, at the 2011 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame at Western Carolina University July 16. We hope all will join us for the World Massage Festival and our 1st ever World Massage Festival Research Conference. Details are at
Congrads Ruth. I know the foundation will benefit from your leadership.

Many thanks to Diana Thompson for your past dedication and commitment to the foundation.

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