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hey there,

wanted to get some feedback on the boiance face cradle. i have a very nice latex face cradle, with fleece cover, on a gel face cradle support, but still occasionally get complaints about becoming stuffy.  i know it is not 100% preventable, but if anyone has feedback on the boiance, i'd love to hear it!



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I've had my Boiance face cradle for 3 1/2 years; I bought it from the inventor right before she sold it to Oakworks.  I love it, and my clients love it!  However, I do occasionally have people get stuffy; I think it's the nature of the beast.  What I do is put a drop or two of Eucalyptus Radiata oil on each of two cotton balls and tuck them into the face cradle cover back by the table (that puts them in the jaw area of the client so they don't get "fumes" in their eyes - eucalyptus can really sting).  That usually really helps!

One thing that is really nice about the Boiance face cradle is that it's big, and I work on some big folks.  For example, my husband wears a 3X hat!  CranioSacral on him is interesting...anyway, he does well in the Boiance cradle.  It also works well for my tiny clients.

Hope that helps!

thanks so much for your feedback! great idea to use eucalyptus that way, too :)

Therese Schwartz said:

I've had my Boiance face cradle for 3 1/2 years; I bought it from the inventor right before she sold it to Oakworks.  I love it, and my clients love it!  However, I do occasionally have people get stuffy; I think it's the nature of the beast.  What I do is put a drop or two of Eucalyptus Radiata oil on each of two cotton balls and tuck them into the face cradle cover back by the table (that puts them in the jaw area of the client so they don't get "fumes" in their eyes - eucalyptus can really sting).  That usually really helps!

One thing that is really nice about the Boiance face cradle is that it's big, and I work on some big folks.  For example, my husband wears a 3X hat!  CranioSacral on him is interesting...anyway, he does well in the Boiance cradle.  It also works well for my tiny clients.

Hope that helps!

You're welcome!  And thanks! :)

I know two MTs who have them and swear by them. I haven't tried it, yet, but it's still on my wishlist. :)

I need a face rest for clients with larger heads, who are uncomfortable in my standard face rest.  Does the Boiance fit other tables head rests or just the oakworks?  How does it attache to the base?  Thanks!

Hi Jeanne, my Boiance cradle works on my Astra-Lite table which has a face cradle support that flips up from underneath.  It attaches with Velcro.

Also, I was wondering if it is for larger heads, do the normal/regularl size face cradle covers fit it?  Thanks!

My older face cradle covers fit it just fine.  I got some new ones though that work great, and are much better quality fabric than the old ones.  It's these:

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