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Grooviest hair in the profession - Dalton, Hinkle or Baltz?

This is a pretty big question, I know.

It may not be as serious as commenting on the latest release of the MTBOK (something we ALL should be doing since it will have a major impact on our profession), but it's still something we should think about and ponder while we're in the shampoo aisle.

OK so, here are the nominations:


Erik Dalton PhD

Mike Hinkle

Bruce Baltz

Steve Capellini

Yamuna Zake

John Barnes

Chip Hines

Christopher A. Moyer PhD

Gloria Coppola

TO VOTE:   Click here




ALSO, the MTBOK comment period is open until March 8th, but please don't leave it 'til the last minute.

I'll keep you update on the "who's in the lead" every couple of days (along with a wee reminder to COMMENT ON THE MTBOK!!!  I might add a joke or two here and there). 


Please feel free to put the link all over the place.

May all your locks be lovely and may you never have a bad hair day.

MTBOK = serious stuff.

Lovely hair = not that serious.

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Love the picture.

Vlad said:
You all realize that if you said that you INTEND to give comments and you don't then you'll have an Irish curse set upon you which isn't lovely.

And the curse will involve your hair.

Yes, you'll end up with SPECTOR HEAD if you don't comment.


(Of course, there may be some amongst us that would actually like to have Spector head, if that's the case, "friend" me and I can arrange something just for you....)
Hmmmmm, Spector head, considering............

Darcy Neibaur said:
Love the picture.

Vlad said:
You all realize that if you said that you INTEND to give comments and you don't then you'll have an Irish curse set upon you which isn't lovely.

And the curse will involve your hair.

Yes, you'll end up with SPECTOR HEAD if you don't comment.


(Of course, there may be some amongst us that would actually like to have Spector head, if that's the case, "friend" me and I can arrange something just for you....)
In one way I'm glad you're regarding the thread at such a high level.
But in another, it worries me slightly.

It worries me slightly because I have to wonder at the level of objectivity you're using in coming to this conclusion. I mean, is there a chance that you just might be biased? I know that in your quest for knowledge and the unveiling of the natural world that high levels of objectivity is usually high on your list. In this case, though, I have to wonder.

What is your reasoning behind and levels of evidence indicating that this is the most important thread on the internet?
You don't have to answer that, but just keep the question in that well-coiffed head of yours.

Christopher A. Moyer said:
Vlad said:
Does anybody actually read this thread anyway?

For sure. It's hands-down the most important thread on the site - scratch that, it's the most important thread on the whole internet.
Thanks, Susan and Darcy for reading the claimed-by-one-sciency-peep-as-being-the-most-important-thread-on-the-internet (I can still use the information, even though I question it!!!!!!).
Hmmmmm, Spector head, considering............

If you're consdering a dose of Spectorheaditis, there's one thing you need to consider and that's your wardrobe. If you look at the pic, you will notice that the only reason why Phil is able to get away with such a do is because it is balanced by massive buttons on his shirt. So, think about the buttons on your shirts before deciding. They need to be massive.
This is important information.

All this Phil talk is making this squirrel hum a Ramones song.

There really isn't that much time for people to give comments since we're nearly at the end of February. So please be sure to set aside some time to give feedback - even if it's just a "I didn't see anything that needed changed". One thing that I found is that there were some areas that I thought needed clarification, so I went ahead and indicated which areas I thought needed that.

The voting for the groovy hair will be finished on March 3rd.

I know that most of you reading this know how important the MTBOK is, but I would also guess that most of us know at least one MT who doesn't know anything about it, so I'm asking everyone to let someone else know. Give them a copy and the url and explain to them that this is like the blueprint for our educational standards and legislation requirements. It'll influence our businesses and our profession to a huge degree - if people really understood that, then surely they will pay attention to the document and comment.

Terry - me too!!!!!!

Imagine Phil's hair with "gelling at the side" action and that was me. AND it was purple at one stage.
Shoulder pads. I wish they'd come back in - they always made waistlines look smaller.

Terry Capuano said:
Vlad - I think I had Phil's "do" in the 80's.....(LOL) And massive shoulder pads for balance - of course!
Even better; I'm into big bottons this season. On my jackets or sweaters, however, I'm afraid they might knock a client out if they were on my shirt.

Vlad said:
Hmmmmm, Spector head, considering............

If you're consdering a dose of Spectorheaditis, there's one thing you need to consider and that's your wardrobe. If you look at the pic, you will notice that the only reason why Phil is able to get away with such a do is because it is balanced by massive buttons on his shirt. So, think about the buttons on your shirts before deciding. They need to be massive.
This is important information.

All this Phil talk is making this squirrel hum a Ramones song.
Speaking of hair -- has anyone seen Chris Rock's very insightful and hilarious documentary titled "Bad Hair"? Rent it!
Erik, you know, I was wondering where you got your groovy hair from. "Maybe he's descended from the Daltons, you know, The Wild Bunch - since his hair is sometimes wild", I wondered, "Or maybe he's descended from the Vikings because of the way he spells his name". Since you look nothing like any of these fellas, I'm going with the Nordic Viking theory.
I can feel it. You're still ponderin' Spector head, aren't you?
I bet you're even thinking of big buttons.

Hey, you know, you might be able to get away with big buttons when you work since you could heat them up some way and have them cascade on to the client's back. Maybe have a little heating element in them and a wee battery operated power unit on your belt with wires going to the elements in each button? Or you could heat them up with a hair drier. Or they could be removable buttons made of rice so that they could be heated up in the microwave beforehand. Or there could be a "Big Button Massage" wave - a new modality to be paired with Spector head.

When you consider the benefits of Spector head it's definitely something to consider.
Think of the benefits:
- No longer having to worry about cobwebs in the room, the hair takes care of it all
- One can hide a U2 spy plane in your hair
- One can even hide U2 the rock band there too
- One could house a family of Spartan rats
- One can even dust the floor with Spector hair if you bend over, but be sure that Bono doesn't fall out if one opts for #3 since he's got a bit of a temper.

Yes, there are benefits to Spector head, but one should always remember that commenting on the MTBOK is much better.

MTBOK talk!

So there's not much time left to give comments and this post is for all you powerhouses out there - bloggers with big numbers of followers and people with millions of facebook friends and also anyone that has an email list with a substantial number of people in them.
I put an entry on my blog today in an effort to try and get some therapist somewhere to read the MTBOK and give comments. There's a problem though. My blog is tiny.
So I hope everyone that has some level of online presence will just make the effort to get this last pust to get comments before the open-for-comment period ends (March 8th)!


Oh, and more votes for the groovy hair contest would be good too -

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