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Grooviest hair in the profession - Dalton, Hinkle or Baltz?

This is a pretty big question, I know.

It may not be as serious as commenting on the latest release of the MTBOK (something we ALL should be doing since it will have a major impact on our profession), but it's still something we should think about and ponder while we're in the shampoo aisle.

OK so, here are the nominations:


Erik Dalton PhD

Mike Hinkle

Bruce Baltz

Steve Capellini

Yamuna Zake

John Barnes

Chip Hines

Christopher A. Moyer PhD

Gloria Coppola

TO VOTE:   Click here




ALSO, the MTBOK comment period is open until March 8th, but please don't leave it 'til the last minute.

I'll keep you update on the "who's in the lead" every couple of days (along with a wee reminder to COMMENT ON THE MTBOK!!!  I might add a joke or two here and there). 


Please feel free to put the link all over the place.

May all your locks be lovely and may you never have a bad hair day.

MTBOK = serious stuff.

Lovely hair = not that serious.

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Oh, and here's another thing that is regarding the other PhD that came in second. I'm sure he won't mind me saying that if anyone wants to help him get over the fact that he didn't win, then please go to the research conference in Seattle in May and buy him a drink.
Alternatively, you could also put a smile on his face by donating the price of a drink to the MTF - I'm sure it would cheer him up and I think you can make a donation in dedication or in honor of someone - just an idea!
Erik - If Deputy really is your middle name, then that is definitely the best middle name ever.

Vlad - I would indeed love it if more peeps make it to Seattle. If they buy me a drink - coffee in the A.M., or vino in the P.M. - so much the better, but that certainly isn't necessary.

And if Seattle is out of reach, a donation to the MTF would also be terrific.

As for your other post about the MTBOK - I am waiting until the last minute to review this version and comment on it, out of necessity. It's a busy week. I will do it, though.
Ok squirrel; got my comments in!
I'd like to thank my Mom, the engineers at Sunset Sound, all the people at Warner Brothers and, of course, the Academy for honoring me with thissss....wait a minute...that's the acceptance speech for the Grammy I never won.

Oh Well, it's still an honor and I'll proudly display the award above my mantle in my stinky workout room. Thanks Vlad and all who supported this call to arms. Yes, you too Spectorhead!

P.S. Christopher, I'll show you my drivers license when I buy you that beer at the Seattle Conference in May.

Vlad said:
Wow. So I wasn't totally askew in my thinking, was I?
Very cool.

Having Deputy as your middle name is brilliant! Your Mum is a very smart woman.
So hey, I'm going to have to get an incredibly important certificate to you. Here's the big question: Are you going to have a special place set up in your home for the "Groovy Hair Certificate" to be displayed? 'Cos you know it's just the most incredible prize ever, right? I mean, getting your PhD pales into insignificance compared to this.

Erik Dalton, Ph.D. said:
Actually Vlad, all the Dalton's raised in this area (Oklahoma) are related to the Dalton Gang. Some of the Daltons were bandits and some were lawmen (divided by a very fine line...much like the politicians today).

My grandfather Charlie Dalton was a pretty well-know 'old west' sherif so my Mom named me Erik Deputy Dalton after him. Never really liked 'Deputy' as a middle name until I started getting speeding tickets as a teenager. Oddly, when I'd tell the officer the weird middle name story ..they would often let me go.

Grandparents on my Dad's side were from Oslo. They never visited Oklahoma for fear of Indian ambush...too many John Wayne movies I guess.

Vlad said:
Erik, you know, I was wondering where you got your groovy hair from. "Maybe he's descended from the Daltons, you know, The Wild Bunch - since his hair is sometimes wild", I wondered, "Or maybe he's descended from the Vikings because of the way he spells his name". Since you look nothing like any of these fellas, I'm going with the Nordic Viking theory.
Well.....I don't know about anyone else......but my tail is waggin'.

What does this mean? Should the research conference be renamed "Groovefest 2010"?
BOTH of the pulchritudinous ones in the same room at the same time? You know what this means, right? It means THE HEIGHT of grooviness IN STEREO.

I think everyone needs to be there.
Vlad - perhaps you could petition the organizers to dedicate a portion of the conference schedule to administering the Groovy Hair Award to Dr. Dalton. Surely that is as important as any of that silly research stuff.

However, if it's too late for that, or if the MTF is too square for that, perhaps an unofficial, after-hours award ceremony can be organized at one of Seattle's publick houses, where we can partake of the strong waters.
You know I just got the certificates today (yes, there's a runners up one too, Doc).
OK, so I don't know if I have the (squirrel-sized, but still effective) nuts on me to ask the MTF if I could do such a thing.

So the pub sounds like a good idea to me. Unless you want to ask the MTF? I'm only a wee mammal - they might listen to a bigger one.
The certificates are lovely, by the way.

OH, and if anyone hasn't commented on the MTBOK yet, there's still time!!!
Right on Christopher...after-hours ceremony...strong waters...goood!

Christopher A. Moyer said:
Vlad - perhaps you could petition the organizers to dedicate a portion of the conference schedule to administering the Groovy Hair Award to Dr. Dalton. Surely that is as important as any of that silly research stuff.

However, if it's too late for that, or if the MTF is too square for that, perhaps an unofficial, after-hours award ceremony can be organized at one of Seattle's publick houses, where we can partake of the strong waters.
OK, so I have to retract what I said earlier when I mentioned that Doc may not have been quite right in his assessment of this being the most important thread on the internet.

Re: Pubs in Seattle.
Does anyone know if there good Irish (or English) one near where the conference is?

Factors to consider:
- Guinness needs to be served at room temperature
- Needs to have half decent wine by the glass selection too
- Has to be within stumbling distance of the conference hotel
- Don't really want any LOUD deedly iddley music BUT if another PhD on this site goes (Keith Eric Grant) then there's a chance that we could hit a ceili since this squirrel did a lot of Irish dancing when I was young and I know that Keith likes a bit of Scottish dancing - sure, it's all a bit similar. AND if this pans out we could all just learn a step or two beforehand and get the whole if the conference dancing - THEN Whitney Lowe can fix us all up the day after when we're all sore.

Or maybe we just find the nearest pub when we get there.........might be easier.
I was excited for the conference before this thread, but now I'm REALLY excited ;) hahaha. Can't wait to see everyone there and watch the most important ceremony of the week... ;) Should I bring my laptop and webcam so we can broadcast it for those who can't be there? :D

Vlad said:
OK, so I have to retract what I said earlier when I mentioned that Doc may not have been quite right in his assessment of this being the most important thread on the internet.

Re: Pubs in Seattle.
Does anyone know if there good Irish (or English) one near where the conference is?

Factors to consider:
- Guinness needs to be served at room temperature
- Needs to have half decent wine by the glass selection too
- Has to be within stumbling distance of the conference hotel
- Don't really want any LOUD deedly iddley music BUT if another PhD on this site goes (Keith Eric Grant) then there's a chance that we could hit a ceili since this squirrel did a lot of Irish dancing when I was young and I know that Keith likes a bit of Scottish dancing - sure, it's all a bit similar. AND if this pans out we could all just learn a step or two beforehand and get the whole if the conference dancing - THEN Whitney Lowe can fix us all up the day after when we're all sore.

Or maybe we just find the nearest pub when we get there.........might be easier.
Ummmmm......I'd be afraid of breaking your webcam - yes, in reality I'm THAT hideous. I think it's the snakes coming out of my head that put people off or the fact that they turn to stone when they look at me. It's a problem.
I don't know what I'd do to a laptop. Would you like a nice stone sculpture of a laptop if we test it and it doesn't go right?

I can smell a party brewing, can you?

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