In recent weeks, we at Massage Warehouse have seen an enormous surge in our seasonal offerings such as Soothing Touch Cranberry Scrub for the Holidays, as well as our new Keyano Pumpkin and Spice collection of body products, including a Butter Cream, Body Scrub and Massage Oil....
The demand has grown in an obviious response to offer timely treatments to your clients and boost revenue for your practce or spa.
Other ideas would be to offer a nice peppermint tea after a treatment, or perhaps have a number of quick little retail goodies your clients can purchase from you to help ease the stress of holiday shopping. Offer smaller things like Candles or Sugar / Salt scrubs, soothing eye pillows, yummy teas! Whatever you do, do not forget that NOW is the time to be offering Gift Certificates for your services! These are super gift items for your clients to offer thier friends, and it creates MUCH needed revenue for you here in the Holiday season! < visit for more product ideas! >
Think about what YOU can do NOW to increase your business, and bring in new clients...It is not too late!
Let's hear some of the creative ideas you have, and help one another have a prosperous season!
Wishing you Love, Peace and Abundance...
Angie Patrick