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Im looking for a certification class in Hip replacement Massage. My Husbands Knee replacement Md would like to send me clients if I get the Cert. like his LMT he had in Clearwater.
Anybody knows of a class?
Views: 409
I have never heard of a specific class or certification in this.
Ask the MD what he means.
Perhaps if you looked into orthopedic massage that would fit the bill.
Look into seminars by Whitney Lowe and James Waslaski.
I'm looking for the same thing. I had both of my knees replaced in 2010. I live in Phoenix AZ and I'm to the point where I've started a support group for knee replacement on It's just a couple of weeks old but I'm hoping it will grow.
I'll be taking a medical massage class early next year to further my education in this field. I believe there is also an orthopedic massage class somewhere. I hope to locate something like that aw well.
As far as I know the hospital rehab centers here don't incorprate massage as part of the program. Very odd and makes me very angry.
I really have no idea what certification word means,but in cases of knee replacements you should apply orthopedic massage protocol exactly like for any other cases of knee disorders but,a bit more time have to be spent for a lymphatic drainage to control lymphedema size, for scar tissue management techniques and extremely important post isometric relaxation techniques to improve range of motion.I highly recommend to apply ice massage for 5 to 7 minutes before PIR as well 5 to 7 minutes after PIR techniques.I mean pieces of ice,not to use cold packs. Faster you will improve range of motion, all rehabilitation results including decrease of pain sensation as well as improvement in functional activities will be obvious.I hope I was helpful.
wish your husband to get well fast.
Best wishes.
Hi Sharon.
Please contact Dr.Ross Turchaninov who live,teaching medical massage and practicing in Phoenix Arizona.He is very reliable source to study from as well to receive treatment if needed. Feel free to call him 602-404-1583.
Best wishes.
Sharon Joubert said:
I'm looking for the same thing. I had both of my knees replaced in 2010. I live in Phoenix AZ and I'm to the point where I've started a support group for knee replacement on It's just a couple of weeks old but I'm hoping it will grow.
I'll be taking a medical massage class early next year to further my education in this field. I believe there is also an orthopedic massage class somewhere. I hope to locate something like that aw well.
As far as I know the hospital rehab centers here don't incorprate massage as part of the program. Very odd and makes me very angry.
Thank you so much, I looked over his bio and it's very impressive. I'll try to get in touch with him this week.
Boris Prilutsky said:
Hi Sharon.
Please contact Dr.Ross Turchaninov who live,teaching medical massage and practicing in Phoenix Arizona.He is very reliable source to study from as well to receive treatment if needed. Feel free to call him 602-404-1583.
Best wishes.
Sharon Joubert said:
I'm looking for the same thing. I had both of my knees replaced in 2010. I live in Phoenix AZ and I'm to the point where I've started a support group for knee replacement on It's just a couple of weeks old but I'm hoping it will grow.
I'll be taking a medical massage class early next year to further my education in this field. I believe there is also an orthopedic massage class somewhere. I hope to locate something like that aw well.
As far as I know the hospital rehab centers here don't incorprate massage as part of the program. Very odd and makes me very angry.
Hi Sharon.
I am glad you found Dr. Ross' bio impressive, and positive he will impress you very much as an instructor and if will be needed as a treatment provider.happy to be helpful.
Sharon Joubert said:
Thank you so much, I looked over his bio and it's very impressive. I'll try to get in touch with him this week.
Boris Prilutsky said:Hi Sharon.
Please contact Dr.Ross Turchaninov who live,teaching medical massage and practicing in Phoenix Arizona.He is very reliable source to study from as well to receive treatment if needed. Feel free to call him 602-404-1583.
Best wishes.
Sharon Joubert said:
I'm looking for the same thing. I had both of my knees replaced in 2010. I live in Phoenix AZ and I'm to the point where I've started a support group for knee replacement on It's just a couple of weeks old but I'm hoping it will grow.
I'll be taking a medical massage class early next year to further my education in this field. I believe there is also an orthopedic massage class somewhere. I hope to locate something like that aw well.
As far as I know the hospital rehab centers here don't incorprate massage as part of the program. Very odd and makes me very angry.
I found it.... It's called "Rehab Fitness Specialist" go to they are in my town for a class on the 24th and I also can get my Certified Personal Trainer cetification with this class for only $195.
Thanks everybody for helping.
What MDs (and some MTs, and many providers) don't understand is that since "Certification" is not legally nationally defined, notwithstanding the NCBTMB certifications, that is a relatively meaningless term.
One person may offer a class that's 3 days and call it a certification, while another may offer the same thing in a 100-hour version and call that a certification. I am personally unaware of any such class existing. The closest thing I can recommend is Orthopedic Massage. Whitney Lowe, Howard Weingarten, James Waslaski (Eric Dalton just retired, but his assistants are probably carrying on) and others would prepare you to do that, but it isn't a "certification" per se.
Could you ask your husband's MD for the name of the therapist in Clearwater? Then you could see what specialties and/or continuing education she/he has posted on her/his website, if available, or just give the person a call and ask where they learned the techniques. Let us know if you find out anything worth passing on! Good luck.
Hi Molly.
in general, orthopedic surgeons and other MDs referring to particular massage therapists,that they trusting and having professional lability insurance, as well certificate of CEs completion .of course this CEs have to be related to particular subjects.For orthopedic surgeons is extremely important to have good and capable therapist who providing successful postsurgical rehabilitation.
The reason is simple. surgery can be successfully done but if rehabilitation will be not intensive enough,aggressive scar tissues developments as well fast development of mayofascial dysfunctions,will leave patients suffering from pain,range of motion limitations ,limited functionality activities. In such a case, patients will consider this doctor as a bad one and not capable.As you know certificates do not provide therapy, but hands of therapist.I mean only certificate,professional liability insurance and certificate of CE completion is not enough to receive referrals from have to be able to deliver results. I have 21 years old VHS,where I am proposing full rehabilitation programs and not only for knees. At this tape, I am demonstrating all components of orthopedic massage,hot and cold applications ,rehabilitative exercise program and more. This tape was dedicated, for MTs, chiropractor assistance, physical therapy assistants etc. If my technical support person will be able to convert it to electronic file, suitable for youtube I will offer you this instructions free of charge.I believe he will be able to convert it. We'll see. Most likely it will be not HD, but I am hoping it will be good quality that will allow you to learn.BTW.on the record. This 21years old footage was 1st presentation of medical, orthopedic massage to our US society.
Best wishes.
Could you ask your husband's MD for the name of the therapist in Clearwater? Then you could see what specialties and/or continuing education she/he has posted on her/his website, if available, or just give the person a call and ask where they learned the techniques. Let us know if you find out anything worth passing on! Good luck.
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