massage and bodywork professionals

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Over 20 years have passed - hard to believe - since I first started participating in massage therapy conventions. I've traveled all over the country demonstrating my father's invention not realizing how interesting this journey would be. I've learned so much from the therapists that start using the Sacro Wedgy® to help their clients. That's really how some of the routines started that are now included in the instruction book. My favorite is the "gentle approach" we take to access the psoas muscle. The Sacro Wedgy® is under the sacrum and you just pulse the insertion point top of the thigh - non-invasive, very gentle so it's easier on the giver and receiver. I'm now a provider through NCBTMB and hopefully soon can also offer credits for Florida. I really do stress the self care aspect of helping therapists help themselves. "Physician heal thyself". I'm always available for phone conference or to send information. 1-800-737-9295 - Cindy

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Hi Cindy,

I am so glad you are now a continuing education provider. We will be getting together with you soon to get you to teach at the Festival! I know, John Barnes has always talked highly of your product and I am excited to bring your class to the WMF. You have supported us since we started and now we will help your cause. You have grown a lot and we hope to help more, if we can. You have a fantastic product! Thank you so much for what you have done and will accomplish!

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