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A (new) client contacted me regarding some structural/muscle tension issues. He is coming in January. However, he has told me he also have Dermographism and may have hive type reactions to touch. Anyone have experience with this?
I'd anticipated using Active Isolated Stretching but also Neuromuscular Therapy.
Any thoughts/experiences related to massaging clients with this auto immune issue?

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It depends if it is red or white dermagraphism. The raised areas do present an issue. If it stays white for longer than thirty seconds at onset, his sympathetic nervous system is over reacting. Look to work cranial and sacral areas to relax his nerves. If the white goes away quickly and stays red the parasympathetic system is over reacting. In this case stimulating massage would be best. Some machanical vibration may be also helpful. Depending on which system is over reacting it is done differently. Stimulating vibration would be done lightly, while applying and reapplying every few seconds over the back, moving to different areas. For sedative vibration keep the tool on him, but it can be moved around slowly. Don't perform either of these for longer than 10 or 15 minutes total.
Any muscular or fascial techniques can be used as well once the nervous system is balanced.

And of course, use your best judgement on the reactions he is presenting during the session.
Hope this helps.
I would ask Susan G Salvo.I know that acute stage hives are contraindicated.Susan will help you,she's a smart lady!
Please let me know what she tells you.Thank you,
Nate, thanks so much. Lots of information in your reply. Interestingly, the client says, "don't worry about it", basically adding he finds it just a "nuisance" and would not even have bothered to tell me except he felt I might "freak" if he developed welps etc. I would have surmised an allergic reaction so glad he "warned " me. But I will definitely watch for the red/white and address accordingly. thanks so much,

Nate Ewert said:
It depends if it is red or white dermagraphism. The raised areas do present an issue. If it stays white for longer than thirty seconds at onset, his sympathetic nervous system is over reacting. Look to work cranial and sacral areas to relax his nerves. If the white goes away quickly and stays red the parasympathetic system is over reacting. In this case stimulating massage would be best. Some machanical vibration may be also helpful. Depending on which system is over reacting it is done differently. Stimulating vibration would be done lightly, while applying and reapplying every few seconds over the back, moving to different areas. For sedative vibration keep the tool on him, but it can be moved around slowly. Don't perform either of these for longer than 10 or 15 minutes total.
Any muscular or fascial techniques can be used as well once the nervous system is balanced.

And of course, use your best judgement on the reactions he is presenting during the session.
Hope this helps.
Finally had the client come by last week with the dermographism. His description of symptoms suggested the red form, but no symtoms presented thru the session. He expressed some surprise, I felt some relief. I was able to work with his cervical restrictions, and hope to see him again in two weeks.
I want to thank those who provided information and source material for the dermographism issue, as I found the information allowed me to stay focused on the specific problems client came with and not so concerned regarding potential symtoms of a condition that, in fact, never presented!.

Nate Ewert said:
It depends if it is red or white dermagraphism. The raised areas do present an issue. If it stays white for longer than thirty seconds at onset, his sympathetic nervous system is over reacting. Look to work cranial and sacral areas to relax his nerves. If the white goes away quickly and stays red the parasympathetic system is over reacting. In this case stimulating massage would be best. Some machanical vibration may be also helpful. Depending on which system is over reacting it is done differently. Stimulating vibration would be done lightly, while applying and reapplying every few seconds over the back, moving to different areas. For sedative vibration keep the tool on him, but it can be moved around slowly. Don't perform either of these for longer than 10 or 15 minutes total.
Any muscular or fascial techniques can be used as well once the nervous system is balanced.

And of course, use your best judgement on the reactions he is presenting during the session.
Hope this helps.
Hey Vinnie,

My first post about the difference between red and white is backwards. I feel like a moron. Red is sympathetic, white is parasympathetic. I was caught by one of my instructors in the switch. I looked it up and, lo and behold, I had stated them backwards. Sorry for the confusion.
Since it never presented, doesn't matter much... but I'll be ready next tme
thanks again for the info....
We just had a lady call our clinic asking if she could receive massage treatment, but that she has Dermographism and wasn't sure. I was wondering if you have continued to treat your client and if he has ever had a reaction to any form of treatment?
Hi Pamela,
I have seen the client several times but no longer (not due to any issues during massage)
He had localized reactions on two occasions. And actually on one occasion believed it was due to his own scratching the area. Basically I used A.I.S. (gentle stretching) and Smooth strokes as he described that
scratching actions tended to lead to reactions.)
I would see another client, talk about what types of skin contacts appear to create reactions (Nate's comments above were helpful regarding red & white dermagraphism.) We may not provide everything for a client, but any touch we can provide is wonderful and powerful. Good luck!

Pamela said:
We just had a lady call our clinic asking if she could receive massage treatment, but that she has Dermographism and wasn't sure. I was wondering if you have continued to treat your client and if he has ever had a reaction to any form of treatment?

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