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I rented a booth at a local expo that expects 25,000 people over two days. I need advice on how to reach the most people in the time I have. Would you please share any do's and don'ts you may have.

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First one huh? Wow!

Ok, Color! At my Festivals, I have noticed the booths that have the most color seem to draw. Balloons are attractors and mostly a smile!. Don't sit down. People will just nod and go by. You are there to share your product. Try to finish sentences and thoughts instead of just talking. Have a handout and try to give one to everyone. Ask if they can be placed into attendee bags, like we do for free at Festival. That would take care of it and free you up to talk about your plan/product. Have two people at least for breaks and to cover more people. You will do great! Have fun!!!
Having worked a number of trade shows in my former (pre massage) life, one thing that worked was having a power point presentation running on a loop on a laptop or on a flat screen monitor, perhaps showing pictures, highlighting your modalities, etc. Good point above about not sitting down. When my employees would work trade shows I would remove all chairs.

Good Luck!
To reach as many people as possible before the event, you can try posting an announcement on Craig's list for your city or advertising yourself in the newspaper.

Once the event begins, be sure to have ample literature and business cards available to pass out. I find that anything FREE gets attention (...just something to think about.) Of course, you want to appear professional, knowledgeable, and friendly. Dress the part and have fun!
I totally agree with Daren, free is very nice but there are different things that can be given away. I work a local flea market and yes I know that it is different but the concept is similar. I have given 5 minute massages to "prime the pump" I also have a dish of candle as well as literature for people to take and or read. I try and meet some of the other vendors since word of mouth can do great things for you give 5-10 min. massage to some vendors don't just get "pretty" people get anyone that seems to be holding thier back or neck offer the service. I have learned that planting a good seed always gets a good harvest. Make sure you have everything you need, don't forget some nice catchy ,music. I wish you the best. Look professional and have lots of fun!!!
Offer a gift in a drawing. Have people put in their business card or complete a form with name address, email address and phone number so you can follow up with them and build a mailing list or email list for future contact. Definitely have a bowl of free chocolate...chocolate draws more people to you table/booth than anything - stand in front of your display - SMILE and draw people in with questions -" would you like a free____?"

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